Shana (Archived Topic)

Did Indira come back?

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he didn’t come back

no she is still not back

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Merci, Ă  vous aussi :smiley:

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dramas are frequent between them

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I hope she found somewhere safe.

What triggered the drama this morning?..maybe jealousy?

think she has gone to her own house now because they still don’t have much stuff with them.

Lets hope so…going out alone at that time of day is not advisable for a young woman.

I checked Henry’s bedroom. She is not there. :cry:

You wrote nobody got redressed, and yes she did.

…and Kostja let her go out and went back to bed??

Yes, at least strange that he let them go.

on that video you can see that in the bedroom he still tried to stop them but nothing else.

…that says more about his feelings to her than it does about her feelings.

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he should go after her

You are absolutely right

I have reason to believe that for now i&k is over.

Native speaker says this morning she told kostja she is leaving him, and kostja doesn’t understand why.

Who knows if it was the heat of the moment, heavy dispute in bedroom, and sorts out, or is final?

Seems to stay interesting at least :joy:

So much for a fun night amongst friends without any drama I guess… :disappointed_relieved:

If they do split , which of them will stay with Shana?..none?..Indira?..surely not Kostja, he doesn’t take any meaningful part in any party.