Shana (Archived Topic)

What to wear tonight?? “I will fuck all comers” fishnets maybe.

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That’s good…easily moved to the side or removed clothing…Russell is waiting.

but who will kostja get :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Rodan :joy: :joy: :joy:

They may be on the way now.


On the way home…doesn’t take many minutes to walk between these two.

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Wonder if because Indira lives near shana’s, that last night Kostja and indira made up a fake fight for views. I know I’ll get face palmed for it, but, shana got great views all day, as we waited for Indira to return home

back home


Are they checking the progress?

Pretty sure the “bad translation” was a software “native speaker” as it was too literal… a real human translator would have the context of the immediate conversation… smh, again…

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Telling him, I need to go home, translated, to I’m leaving you

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Exactly… bad software

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For all you naysayers and know it alls…


Who says a women can’t have her boyfriend use her black friend on her


They are a couple, such as it is, at least for the time being. They are always going to have drama as has been proven, but logging in here after living a real life after 12 hours and having to wade through hundreds of worthless comments, suppositions and bad “translations” gets a bit old. For those who live in here 24/7, 365… please comment when something actually, concretely happens… please?

@1313_Mockingbird_Ln and your problem with my comment is…?

@1313_Mockingbird_Ln yeah, that’s what I thought. This is primarily a western European forum and thus “c’est la vie” reigns, UNTIL someone says something they disagree with, then “c’est la vie” doesn’t exist… how duplicitous. I merely asked for the 24/7, 365 dwellers to limit their comments to when something actually happens… common courtesy to the rest of us.

Man, why are you so angry and hostile all of the time? Just chill a little. No need to take everything so serious. Life’s much too short to get so butt hurt over little matters such as what people say on a silly porn forum.