Shana (Archived Topic)

@NotSeth Cry me a river. :joy: :rofl:

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I guess I shouldnā€™t be surprised that Mira didnā€™t help clean up, their apartment is always a messā€¦ Iā€™ve never seen them clean anything except throwing towels/sheets in the washing machine. If you remember when Viva was house sitting with her friend, they scoured the whole bathroom before getting into the candle lit bathtub. Sorry, but filth is filth as much as I like them.

:face_with_monocle: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Itā€™s always the same script. Koen has no sexual fantasy. He is a robot.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Dilara

she is offline now :sob:

Henry & Mira have probably decided they can make money out of selling the films. He already shows them as home movies. Next week you will be able to buy them at your corner shop sex store.

You always cook, I wish I was your guest one dayšŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø

@Shana so please tell us all what the meeting was about in the bedroom. I hate seeing things like this, cause it put a damper on the party shortly afterwards. No need making up theories and speculations on what happened.



Mitchel wrote

Queen Mira is having a fit about all the expenses. Apparently, H & M pay for all the expenses during the parties. They are apparently in the red. Blaming the group for buying too expensive sausages etc. Also, cloths. To Marica, what do you do with the money for the birthday party. You send it to your family ? What do you eat ? Mira spared no one When we get paid then so you will.

sorryā€¦ but I dont see how H&M would pay for all the expenses for a party. If your a participant and you get paid by views, then the money is yours to do what you want. As long as your rent/utilities are paid, should not matter what/how the money is spent. Sorryā€¦ but I dont buy this translation and until I hear from one of the participants talk about itā€¦ I will keep my own conclusion.

Mira and Henry are our managers and advised us to save money. Prices are rising and you need to wisely manage the SALARY ISSUED BY THEM


Warum bist du offline?

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@Shana Thank you for answering. I understand on saving money. Prices are rising everywhere including here in the US. But as I said, its your money, and as long as your bills are paid, dont let anyone tell you how to run your home. I know you said before you are a very strong independent lady raised by your mom/grandmom, so stay strong and we all want to see you do well and live a very happy life.


That is really good managementā€¦Not!! Weak management + falling profits = ideal for an aggressive takeover!

Prices have risen 30% where I live in canada

Dann soll Palmer und Henry weniger Saufen und Paul weniger Essen und allesamt weniger Rauchen!

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Anyone know why shana is offlne cheers

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a takeover- what are you talking about. ? Taking over VHTV or over the three apartments ?
who is going to take them over , -. is that a call for the tenants to strike- not show their bodies what on earth would that achieve?? Dreamer!!

Iā€™ve got problems with the Internet.