Shana (Archived Topic)

Cheers love thank you

@Shana thanks for being so kind and answering questions. This is why we connect and like watching you so much is because we feel like you value your viewers.


prices have also risen in Italy …

In Germany too…

Scotland also

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She’s back on the list but none of the cams work for me…

Think maybe working on it

just a quick question, the coins we donate who gets them ??

The participants in the apartment get them.

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that is, if donated in Shana’s apartment… Shana gets them no matter who else is there with her at that time?

Why is shana back if no cams working

Yes exactly. That is what will happen

They are working on fixing it.

thnx for the feed back…

Henry arbeitet bei Shana

She’s back…

Mr. IT for the win…

hi friends, how about we each give Shana a contribution for 1 table and some more chairs.

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You may want to ask her if that’s what she wants… she’s very responsive.

Henri worked his magic

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or she can use them for something else she may need to her new apartment… What do you think Shana???