Shana (Archived Topic)

Shana, as always, the perfect hostess. Everybody must be happy…


Me too, can i?

About the picture and henry face to palmer

Good riddance, but he tends to boomerang lol

maybe he needs to change his attitude towards women, i think when they see him their spirits dampen,he cannot just go around grabbing and groping every woman in sight.

He believes copying Henry behavior he will have the same results, but it just forgets that he isn’t on same level of the power hierarchy :grin:

Marica was happy with her 2 nights, thought someone elses turn

henry is henry,and he has his own style…this geeza whoever he is cannot compete with henry.he need to understand women are not playthings for his pleasure,

I lost interest when i viewed this camera. If this is what we can expect. You can see jack s__t with the lighting. I have not bothered with them since…


You described Henry :smile:

there is logic in what you said.but henry can do it and getaway with it,plus he has mira,when she is ready likes to play,look how he was tonight groping and slapping the flower shirt girl on her butt,and what happens in the end she goes off and fuck someone else leaving holding only a chicken drumstick,some man need to understand you dont pick a woman like you pick an apple of the tree,she chooses you and if she dont want you well too bad.

Finally, she gets her apartment back… geez

Now she’s got to clean up by herself at 5:22 in the morning… thanks guests!


So is it time to soon introduce Koen to savannah

thats the difference between going to a party and hosting,yes someone could have offered to help clean up,the come eat _____ get naked then bugger orf home. well almost naked,slighty naked oh you know what i mean


Koen could have given her a hand.


indeed,he could have

I never, ever went to a party that I didn’t help with the clean up… just common courtesy really…

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I don’t know if you noticed. But Henry was getting really far with Savana. She was almost nude and he was starting to get some. Savana was liking it. Then Troy came along and took Savana to the Loggia. When she came back she put her clothes on and wouldn’t let any body really touch her. So No, no Koen for her. JMO…

Compliments to Shana & Koen at this moment.

I got an immediate papparazzi flash that Henry is collecting photos to be used for b_______l purposes.
In this skit Koen is playing the highly sexual President Kennedy and Shana is in the role of Marilyn Monrow.
Koen has mastered the art of not showing surprise and continued in the production of pleasure.
Stop with the police body cam Henry. It is not becoming in the least and having to view this ignorant behavior of H an M is getting on my last nerve and makes me consider dropping membership because it K__LS the fantasy I’m using . It makes me thinkjhe is walking in on ME. This is a money loser and I will address it.