Sergio & Teresa

Goodmorning. Happy to see the cats made it through the night.

It’s a shame the girl is blocking the view.


I could be mistaken but I think they’ve made up :thinking: :joy:


I see two webcammers trying to prevent eviction.

teresa deli tedavi görmesi lazım.

biz güzel wife swap bekliyorduk. hep kavga ediyor

Do you want to know cause of scandal? Teresa demanded to turn on the TV. At first, Sergio didn’t want to, after he turned it on. But it was too late. S__t has already flowed.


They should have a wrestling ring installed into every apartment that Teresa enters :rofl:

Told you that girl is completely nuts. Hope the guests get their own place fast so they can escape the crazy place.

Jabs… hope you can capture all the good moments.

And this is a reason why vhtv switches off the flat? god have mercy…

On it right now. Before it is offline again :stuck_out_tongue:

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The reason of the fight. What followed was more serious. She slapped him several times very hard. One very hard slap to face / temple. He disconnected place by himself after that happened.

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Serious situation?? If my girlfriend slapped me in the face, I’d probably die of a laughter, :joy:then you could say it’s serious; :joy:at least this time it wasn’t vhtv who pushed the button

I think a man slapping a woman is far worse than a woman slapping a man. Am I being sexist?

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same thing !

Violence is violence. I do not make any difference there. It was not the first time she hit him…
I hope they all hid the knifes very well

Just more incompetence from the incompetent twitter handler.

Women fought for equality, but I don’t think that would be the right thing to do

I’m really worried about you, bud… if you suspect she can have criminal tendencies, you should really give up watching live, as no one can’t predict what’ll happen next :joy:

But for the time being it looks like they’re happy, and all is fine, so don’t panic guys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: