Sergio & Teresa

No need to worry I am fine :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wait until the a_____l comes out, :crazy_face: :exploding_head:

From yesterday: Alana is crazy :joy: :heart_eyes:

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And it’s fucking cold in Europe

Maybe she has in built heating as she is a hottie :rofl:

Here is a thought, Sergio and Teresa are +3gmt like M&H & M&M & S&T If the Last place is empty, why not trade it to them and open it as Swing house, Sergio and GF could visit,
but no overnighters!

Teresa would soon make it into Disaster House :crazy_face:

Yeah can you believe that ? Losing Melissa and turning down Krista just for Teresa . Wow Mistake Big Mistake (Julia Roberts)

And now with Alana around he must think everytime he looks at her. “Goddamn and I have Teresa :crazy_face:” :rofl: :rofl:

sercio broke the whole game

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Oh no take cover they’ve started _____ing shots, ISP issues shortly :rofl:

Sergio is the location manager isn’t he?

I don’t know. I even don’t know where people get this information.

I think all the apartments that he and Teresa use to freeload in were under his management at the time, that’s why they left the cats at Hella and Nefrateri for so long. @jabbath1987 could answer this for us I am sure, I think Sergio is on his way out, because it looks like all of his apartments are shut down now!

As it is not allowed to talk about manager things here I just do not say that you are wrong. :innocent:
Now back to other topics :wink:

sorry, Just wondering if he will ever help his GF?

To that I can only say I do not know which is the truth. Maybe he is not able to help her. My opinion is she needs professional help…

So he should take her to doctor/ Psychiatrist.

In Russia the Vodka is your help.

doesn’t she get enough of that already? :crazy_face: