
they are not just offline they are deleted from the realm list which normally means that something is very wrong

there was no

icp issues
left project
landlord visit
but insta delete from realm list
I have experienced this a few times before inside the realms I have not experienced it being an insta delete other than that

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It always happens when any kind of rules are vio.lated

Last time I saw, Bird was getting ready to leave or putting things away

are online again

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Well let’s wait what @San will tell us what the problem was :wink:

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Back but cam4 isn’t loading for me

You can even go back in the timeline. Definitely a strange occurrence.

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Maybe it is just one of these ooops things

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There is still content with Bird on the timeline so she can’t be the issue


Probably a power outage. At 12:32 when the cameras come on, San is still asleep and probably has no idea what’s going on.

If the videos of bird were deleted from the archive then it’s quite obvious it has nothing to do with a power outage only VHTV would have the ability to delete archive footage and a power outage wouldn’t remove the apartment from the list


But the content with Bird on the timeline is still there


I still don’t understand what you’re talking about. There are still about 4 videos of Bird in the bathroom in the gallery. So what’s the deal with deleting the archive?

I was removed from the network due to animal cruelty, as I understood, it is connected with the Bird, because I was asleep and did not see what was happening in the apartment at that moment. I could not hit the dog, because I simply cannot raise my hand or foot to any animal, it does not matter, so, perhaps, it is somehow connected with the Bird, because I woke up recently and myself essentially did not understand anything yet


Yeah but it was said that archive footage was deleted that would have to be VHTV

Ik snap het niet @San ???
Zoals je uitlegt , heeft vogel mishandeld ???
Maar nergens is te zien dat vogel Ă©Ă©n van de dieren mishandeld .

I don’t know, I don’t understand anything yet, I was just given a warning for cruelty to animals


I totally believe you :sparkling_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


A power outage does not remove an apartment from the list that requires somebody from VHTV to do it

Het heeft niets te maken met een stroomstoring

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Thats what I’m talking about :man_shrugging: