Rachel & Ross

Russia’s.staple diet______Pizza :rofl:


I hope they are both ok Christina Just went in bathroom

Dunno whether Christina has left Tata or just having a while away from that Vlad twat.

Hello darkness, my old friend…


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Pizza last night now beefburger’s for lunch good healty eating eh :rofl:
Thank fuck for takeaway delivery’s bugger this cooking lark :rofl:
Christina and Rachel don’t seem to that good on the old chit chat :rofl:
Again Christina naked seems to be her regular uniform here.

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My word, that bush is scary.

when I see Rachel and Christina right now…they seem super happy to be together… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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a still constructive, exciting afternoon :upside_down_face:

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during the Cooney from such a bush, hair does not fall into the mouth,

And the action is at …

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Action is only in the kitchen…

Car lessons: she is shifting gears and he is checking the oil. :joy:

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There’s really nothing going on here…the guest isn’t desirable…

Rachel is yes

1 minute to jerk congratulations

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It was also 30” of sucking Hey :flushed:.

That guy playing the guitar, well m____ring it really lol, would be better advised sticking to his day job if he has one :rofl:

Ross and Rachel f____r’s who s___p together :laughing:

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why is he pissing in the bathtube???

It has a bigger hole, so he can’t miss, and it has taller splash guards, so nothing splashes out. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

it’s still sad to think that if she stays with this guy all her life, she will never come :thinking: :expressionless: