Rachel & Ross

This new cam viewing point on cam 1 is really fucked up. :frowning_face:

Damn, Jabba. And here’s me thinking you had turned over a new leaf. I haven’t seen you use “Mr. S__tty Cams” in weeks. In fact, you stopped using it so suddenly, I actually thought someone told you to stop. But, alas, here you are back to your old ways. Sigh.

How about something simple and accurate, like +7 manager?

The guy Jabbath call Mr. S__tty Cams mainly operates in the +3 zone though, doesn’t he? Same as Anna & Aleks, so simply calling him +3 manager would be confusing.
The +7 manager is called Kate, and she has written to us on this forum before.

I’m sure you’re right, Ed. I don’t keep up with all that. I just thought he was with the +7 apts. Thanks for the correction.:+1:

She was also very short at milana & robien place.

So maybe it was really her replacing the cams?

Yes. She did something with the cams.

Why does this dude have his pants off?

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Looks like he is a photographer, why he needs to lose his pant’s is a mystery though.

He has some kind of telescopic attachment he wants to show her :upside_down_face:

Got to love the glamorous setting for a photo shoot, real Vogue style

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This woman is truly a beauty.


Meanwhile Ross is cleaning out the fridge! :rofl:

another photo session

anyone know her porn name??


Seems like she is also a qualified nurse. :joy:

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Photographer sure has a nice bulge …wonder why? But here is a lot of pussy close by…

The woman guest have really a beautiful body when she’s naked :slight_smile: she gave me directly an errection :stuck_out_tongue:

Why Ross gives the impression of making bad face?


Photo shoot and film in preparation, will the places be closed as for oliver?