Rachel & Ross

unfucking believeble. I really dont understand why Rachel stays with him. mister 2 minute man should be ashamed of himself.

You never saw Anton. He often finished before he was even in :joy: :rofl:

Anton is he still the project?

No in December will be five years he is out of the project :joy:

What a great memory @jabbath1987 :stuck_out_tongue:

Have they been burgled ? :joy:

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It was the catā€¦ I saw him do it. :joy: :rofl:


If you get the cat thrown out the apartment as a result of your comment, I will be very :rage: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Since 2 nights Rachel donā€™t s___p at homeā€¦because probably she works outā€¦ Ross not really present too the journeyā€¦but not sure for the same reason lol

Good to see the cat is still there. :grinning:

Where is Rachel?

@jabbath1987 Do you know where Rachel is?
Please tell me something.

No idea. Sorry. As nothing is happening anywhere tonight I am off to bed now :wink:

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S___p tight. :+1:

Like i said she probably work out

Who is she?

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They left the apartment together?

Then maybe itā€™s someone to suck it like Rachel isnā€™t here

Well i suppose guys and gals do have friends you know, not everyone fucks everyone else, well almost not :rofl:

I talk about suckedā€¦ not fucksā€¦ :thinking: Ross isnā€™t able to fuck

Sheā€™s back :grinning: