Purgatorium đŸ’©

why?? :thinking:

you should be safe

read back :wink:

I am the one worried :joy::joy::joy:

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Well, in all my honesty, i did my possible best to ignore the insults he was doing for a good while already, i also put him on ignore and told him to do the same with me. I believe that’ s what made him to go even further up until that day when i have seen he told me to go and suck my boss
 That pissed me off like nothing before but i still didn’t report him. He was insulting not just me, was Life, Arely and others just from what i remember now. He must have been reported by others as well. I did report him next day when i opened the forum and first thing that happened was him and JD doing same thing like the day/night before. That’s when i said enough is enough
 I hope i have clarified this once and for all.

Frustrated Whats Wrong With You GIF by Steve Harvey TV

Yes and no. He sent me some pretty nasty and inappropriate PM’s. He would also say some very not ok things on the main message board. He would then use his Tier 4 powers to delete the evidence of what he said. I took screen shots for evidence as I know most people wouldn’t believe me. Due to what he would say to me in PM’s he has been the only person I have ever had to block. Do I think his intentions were in the right place, absolutely. Do I think he was a fair and unbiased community leader absolutely not.


If you were completely innocent in this whole ordeal can you please explain why you were silenced from the forum for a week by VHTV. As well as why you sent PM’s to multiple forum users telling them not to tell other users that your were silenced.

John78 constantly baited Torey into situations that he knew would piss him off. He did this for the sole purpose of winding him up so he would lash out at him or others. Multiple people asked him to stop doing this, but he refused. For weeks he made it his goal to get Torey banned from the forum and fortunately or unfortunately depending on your view of Torey he eventually accomplished his goal

Do I think Torey should have been banned for the things he said yes. Do I think John78 instigated Torey into saying many of the things that he said also yes.

 that went to far from both sides
 they both have been punished
 so that case is closed now i would say?

Torey got a 6 week complete ban from the forum, John still got access to the forum and able to do everything (DM’s, Reactions) but couldn’t post for 1 week, in the week John was silenced to learn his lesson about ignoring people he was still posting reactions to the people he was supposed to be ignoring and as @NotSeth already pointed out he was DM’ing people not to say why he wasn’t on the forum, he was also demanding to know who was giving permission to tag him on the forums

Johns come back from his silent retreat seemingly not learning his lesson as he is still being antagonistic on the forum

if everyone on the forum who is hostile or disturbing other people were banned, it would be a lot more pleasant here, but also a lot quieter

but what can we do against the policy that has been drawn up?

I think it’s just much more fun when everyone tries to put everyone else in their place, why try to put some people in a bad light if you don’t have to?

there are a few people who seem to make it their day job and then are indignant that their contributions end up in the dump here

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Exactly this state I enjoy with the help of the ignore function. :wink:

All this kid s__t that these people whose posts are being moved here are throwing is just ridiculous. How you write, many of them try to put others in a bad light and in all their hatred they don’t even realize that they are putting themselves in a bad light. And of course, when they eventually realize it, they blame the person they keep attacking. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Sometimes I really ask if these people are really grown up or secretly playing on Daddy’s PC
 :thinking: :sweat_smile:

Hey, mate I don’t think anyone has any hate for anyone here. Are you projecting?? :thinking: We may disagree with each other but that is perfectly fine. Isn’t interacting with people with different points of view part of the fun of an open and free forum?


Why would you type out a novel and then delete it? :hushed:

Just been reading up a bit this morning as wasn’t on much yesterday and fuck me, i see i have been mentioned in despatches,very embarrassing i must say :laughing:

Having said that yes,i can confirm Mr jabs has asked me in the past if i would have liked to have been raised in profile to this Leader role but politely declined as i seem to be more comfortable in the main stream as most others are in the lowly trust 2 status position. Combined with the fact that i am only on in shot bursts normally even though it may often seem more :roll_eyes:
I would not be able to spare the time for any more involvement due to personel responsibility’s right now so best remain as i am, a pain in the ass mainstream contributor. :laughing:

I do note some are criticising Kyla-La aka Amy, but i get on with him ok to be honest, much of what he says is fair enough but he can get a bit carried away but i think that applies to most of us.sometimes.
I do appreciate he does have issues with one member, mention no names :laughing: but hey ho we all have to tolerate others to some extent which needs to be remembered sometimes.
After all i probably can be a pain in the ass sometimes but there you go no ones perfect, even me :laughing:


As i made a cock up with a duplicate paragraph.
Next question? :laughing:

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@NotSeth Is now only a half novel :laughing:

I think that is a very acute assessment of him/her. I think part of the reason he as you put it gets “a bit carried away” is that he often gets unfairly singled out, which then causes him to act out, which then causes him to be punished, which then causes him to act out further, which is where we are now a never-ending cycle of :poop:.

** I don’t know all of what he has done in the past. My views are solely based off the interactions I’ve had with him during my time on this forum.

Yep i think that is a very fair assessment of my assessment :laughing:.
I have often told him he is often his own worst enemy but when one gets stirred up we all tend to lash out as you say and then it goes into a never ending spiral normally downwards.
He and Jabs just don’t get on i’m afraid, not going to go into that now as i shall probably fuck up another novel. :laughing:


Hey buddy wish you a nice Sunday :kissing_heart: