Pudding & Shenia

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Welcome back Junior, Scott Junior, Pudding :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:




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They were quick to open a place for medea hostel

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actually its kens realm number and flora was there

Well he emancipated himself from Scott and succombed to his favorite food ahahaha :joy: :joy:

@ToreyK you see, my scripts are working :wink: :wink:

That’s y I’m not regular to flora’s realm……:stuck_out_tongue:


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I know it’s ken realm number. The group and rotational is all the same (exception to Flora that perhaps soon will be jumping in these different realms)
Where did jr aka pudding spent most of his days?? who was “supposedly” kicked out today?? the other girl needs a place to keep working for a job at VH

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Flora was there?


You don’t want to see Flora with a man like she was saying that she needs?

you could be right but flora lives in different city so we shall see

There were at least two cams missing when it came online (Kitchen1 and Bathroom)

Ken also :wink:

Don’t think she have a solid base now there as yan is living with the remaining ones from their houses emporium… So what goes up… Also goes down if/when needed

I don’t care and I don’t wanna know about her life……:sunglasses:

Pudding ? :joy: WTF LOL

ken was her guest in the last few days in the old apartment … looks like he took her with him to his ‘territory’ … maybe she just wanted some regional distance for a while after her broke up with yan…

then that’s why they went offline…

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Connected the missing cams I guess. Yes.

I want my starter and main course first :grin: