Pudding & Shenia

who the fuck is pudding??? :open_mouth: :laughing: :rofl:

Junior aka Scott Junior now Pudding :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought Tata was back…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Who are these? Junior, and who is the girl?

The blonde one he always cuddled with in realm31

Is that flora?

Flora was also in the apartment, but I think she would refuse to be called “pudding”. :joy: :rofl:

Всем привет, как вы заметили сейчас много квартир оффлайн, это технические работы, Флора помогала мне в подключении квартиры, как только vhtv решит технические моменты, квартира будет онлайн.


Yes that is her :wink:

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Thank you, I’m sure it will be another success as a hazard at Madrid.


So is flora in ur city?

It’s not Flora. You can tell by the tattoo.

You should invite her to the opening party. Maybe there is some Pudding left for her? :wink: :innocent:

Did you connect cam12 (kitchen) and cam111 (bathroom) ?

You don’t recognize Flora so well when she’s dressed… :heart_eyes: :heart: :joy:

Да, все отлично, при выходе в онлайн вы их увидите

She looks way different with them on thats for sure


Да, она рядом со мной


Translated from ru by Microsoft

Yeah, she’s there for me.

You naughty boy :joy: :heart_eyes:

So will Flora become Barbi2? Was Yan correct in his assertion?!