And there it is, racism and homophobia. I sincerely hope people like you die out rapidly and we can progress as a society instead of fucking dinosaurs constantly taking us back.
Glad to hear you don’t idolise Hitler at least, unlike the other neo-nazis that support Trump (also if that isn’t a red flag that the person you vote for is the candidate chosen by Neo-Nazis to vote for then dang I don’t know what is.)
And yes, I’m combative, I think the very reason the left is losing is because they are too up on pleasantries. The French had it right with their revolution, time to start executing the rich until society is more fair again at least
Awh you hope “people like me” die? How nice. You must be on the left, you know, the party of acceptance, unity and tolerance .
And to carry on with your silly comparison, if a rapist voted for Harris, that means all Harris voters are rapists by your logic. That sincerely, is a moronic take. Everybody has to pick one. Just because some scumfuck group supports a candidate, it doesnt mean voters who vote for that person support the scumfuck group.
Racism and homophobia? Where have i said ONE SINGLE THING about race? Go fuck yourself for that one. I don’t care about race. How racist of you to assume I’m white.
As far as the rest, I don’t care what anybody does in their personal life, never have, never will. Gay, straight, bi, whatever I literally do not care. However I’m not comfortable with my daughter having to be around penises in locker rooms at the age of 11, I think that’s pretty reasonable. Sorry that I feel most who are transgender have a mental condition. Its not normal. Why is the suicide rate so high for transgenders? Its because their gender was never their problem, and the surgery didn’t fix anything.
If I ever tried to convince people someone was worst than HITLER, you would never catch me even close to being pleasant with that person. If you did, that would make me a phony.
If I ever said that, it would be because I mean it and can’t fake being nice to an evil person. Its not about respect for the office, a hello and a handshake is, maybe. Not laughing it up at a funeral or welcoming "Hitler’ to the oval office for a visit grinning like a 5 year old in a candy store.
A guy tries to override the democratic process with a scheme involving a false set of electors and the idiotic masses, who claim to revere the constitution and rule of law, vote for him to have another term. He shouldn’t have even been allowed to run again. It’s truly laughable watching him swear to uphold the constitution again when he didn’t the first time.
And you claim that Biden is the one with dementia…
You mentioned immigration, also, sincerely go fuck yourself, I never ever made the assumption you are white, although being realistic, you likely are, especially given you just made some attempt at claiming otherwise, happy to be proven wrong, it does not however detract from the validity of what I have said.
You also are spouting some dangerous ideologies in regards to transgenders, hence the homophobia.
Have you ever considered that the reason people who are transgender have high suicide rates of because of people like you in society constantly demonising them?
It could genuinely be because they have a mental condition, as it genuinely is a mental condition, it’s called gender dysphoria. As to why you think this somehow invalidates the struggles that they face however speaks more about yourself than anything. I am sure its a mix of both of these things.
Constantly your side tries to make out that the gays/trans are trying to indoctrinate your kids, or “■■■■■■ them” but I promise you that for every article you link of someone who is “trans/gay” who has done as such I will link you 10 more of usually Republican voting - Bible-bashing - Trump lovers, (let us not forget who visited Epsteins Island)
And in regards to your comment on the rapist thing, these are not the same. In one hand you have a singular person, on the other you have an organised hate group who preaches intollerance, if Kamala had a bunch of rapists in a group who were preaching that rape should be legal and tolerated and all that crap then yes I would have significant concerns as to why that was the case.
I agree with just about everything you’ve said about Trump. But, unfortunately, you might just as well be arguing with a fence post. His supporters’ have closed their minds to any evidence that their beliefs are laden thru and thru with misinformation and downright ignorance.
Yeah I appreciate it, I know it is a pointless effort but I refuse to let hate/misinformation go unchallenged, if we allow them an echo-chamber then it only benefits them and detracts from society.
Being against illegal immigration equals racism? WTF are you even trying to imply here? Wanting strong borders is now racist? I wasn’t filled in on that one.
I’ve considered the reason the transgender suicide rate is so high, is because it is a MENTAL issue. I don’t demonize them. As I said, I couldn’t care less what someone does, who they fuck, or how they fuck them. Maybe they should try therapy before cutting off their tits and dicks?
I do care when 0.06% of the population says its mandatory they play sports and use bathrooms/locker rooms that don’t align with their gender. Imagine being a girl, working your whole life for something and some dude named Gina comes and whoops the all time record and you, the best girl in the competition, comes in second do a man, in a womans sport. Make it make sense.
You show your ignorance yet again. Gender reaffirmation surgery is the last step, they have to undergo therapy for a long long time first…this is also a contributor to their suicide rates, is the waiting time to get the surgery that many feel is necessary. You do not understand or at least appreciate what it would feel like to not feel comfortable in your own body.
And do you know what, for once I actually agree with you in part, there is a genuine physiological difference between male and female genders, in sport this should be a consideration in regards to competing. I do however think I might also be ignorant in this regard as I think there is possibly a side effect of the medication they take that also removes some of these advantages, such as bone density.
Why does the suicide rate not go down for those who havehad the surgery?
I understand not feeling comfortable in my body. I want to identify as a pink cat, and anybody who says I’m not a pink cat is a bigot. In fact, the entire population should know I’m a pink cat and address me as such.
See how ridiculous this sounds? You’d call somebody crazy who honestly felt that way wouldnt you? Even if they actually feel that way, it wouldn’t change your opinion.
It’s the Americans, they chose their president and it’s none of our business. Of course, the global consequences may be dire for us, but we have no influence on that. So why all this heated discussion?
sigh again, more ignorance, if you indeed for whatever reason feel like you should have been born a pink cat, like a genuine belief that you held to your very core, then you have dysphoria. It is a complex mental health condition that is not easily remedied or indeed ever fully fixed, just like people with depression who still kill themselves, despite the therapy and anti-depressants.
These people are not a harm to society, they are not hurting you or your loved ones in anyway. Why do you care so much about them? It has been said before, but Republicans care more about gender and sex organs more than the Left. You lot are absolutely obsessed with it.
I can understand it from people who live there and can vote in the election, a president is always hotly debated regardless who it is, Trump,Biden,Bush,Clinton, the thing that amuses me is the people who don’t live there and can’t vote seem to have the strongest opinions, some have probably never stepped a foot on American soil but will quite happily tell people who should or should not be president
My question is why does the rest of society need to bend at the knee for such a small percentage of the population? They are not a harm until you mandate everybody else change the way we do things to accommodate the few.
Would you honestly be ok with your high school aged daughter having to share a locker room with a man? Regardless if the man thinks he’s a woman? Are you ok with your daughter working her whole life for a sport only to be beaten by someone who was a man just a year ago? That is my ONLY issue with the transgender community.
Unfortunately you have to appreciate that he has far far more reach than just the US, this is a sad fact. He is already talking about impacting far more countries than just the US.
How does mandating that equate to harm? And this is the problem, you are implying some underlying sexual threat coming from transgenders, this is simply not the case. Honestly it speaks more volumes more about the Republican way of thinking if you have genuine concerns about keeping genitals to yourselves. Not everyone is an uncontrollable sex pest unlike your idol, Trump.