President Trump

We call this ‘putting on a brave face’.
What do you think Biden should do? Receive him with a slap in the face? Or a club? Or, typically American, with a shotgun?


I’d say not being giddy and looking happy or excited to greet him would be a good start.

A brave face wouldn’t look happy or excited. It would be serious and stern.

Again, they told us he was the end to democracy, we’d never have another election, and he was worse than HITLER. And Joe is all smiles. Obama and him chatting it up at a funeral. Its all BULLSHIT plain and simple.

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Scaredy-cat :rofl: :joy:


sigh I really hoped we wouldn’t get political on this corner of the internet, alas here we are.

Trump is a criminal. He’s a racist. He’s a damn charlatan. He’s managed to successfully hoodwink a lot of people, then again the education system in the US is mostly to blame there I feel.

All his supporters blindly swallow his bullshit like it is nectar from the Gods, it’s eerily cultlike.

Just citing one out of many many many examples, everyone is praising this clown for coming to Tik Toks aid whilst conveniently forgetting he’s the damn reason it all started, he has only changed his tune because he’s manged to beguile a bunch of misguided youth into supporting him from the app and undoubtedly he’s seen an opportunity for him to make some money off it…(stay tuned on the upcoming sale of the platform in the US).

He is indecent, he is not a good human being. He is bad news for civility and a damn step back for tolerance.

His highest voter turn out? Uneducated WHITE MALES in the Boomer age grouping, and that says it all frankly. People want to go back to being able to say/do racist/homophobic shit and getting away with it like they did back in their day, plain and simple.


Wait, I misread your comment. Yes. you are correct!!

No, you are most definitely wrong.

It is the same everywhere, you get told that it is the immigrants/gays/other minorities fault that your life is shit and everything is so expensive yadayada, when really it is their fault your life is shit, they are the ones that are bending you over and making you take more cock up the ass than the aforementioned gays you’re being told to hate.

It’s a diversionary tactic to get you to focus on something else and not realise who is actually the reason why your life is shit. The rich get richer by profiting off the backs of the hard working people (immigrants being some of the hardest working ironically). Trump and Musk, both billionaires (however I question the legitimacy of Trumps claim to, I mean really…who bankrupts a casino?!) and you seriously think these clowns want what is best for the WORKING CLASS of America? They want to exploit you even harder you dumb fuckwits because that is how they make their money. The fact that people fail to comprehend something so blatantly obvious does not bode well for humanity.


What particularly bothered me about the inauguration speech is the delusions of grandeur

As if the whole world is waiting for him as the great savior

followed by the nonsense about the Panama Canal, wanting to send the army to the border with Mexico, renaming the Gulf of Mexico, the bullshit story about only 2 genders in the world, by now everyone understands that there is more between man and woman and that it is not always black and white.
Whether the entire LGBTI++ should be enforced is another story, I don’t agree with that either, but this is going very far, what’s next?
Only Heterosexuals in the USA? Homophobia?

the majority has spoken, so we will have to deal with it

but do I have confidence in it?


“They want to exploit you even harder you dumb fuckwits because that is how they make their money. The fact that people fail to comprehend something so blatantly obvious does not bode well for humanity.”

So leftists are the superior being, and the right is just dumb fuckwits? This is a good part of the reason the left lost and they still don’t understand that.


lights out GIF by Maudit

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I didn’t watch (working) but he’s kind of a pompous douche. Its his persona. I don’t like that part of him, but most of his policies actually are America first unlike most on the left. I’d prefer an asshole who works for the American people instead of the nicest person who helps everyone in the world before fixing issues we have here.

Why would sending the army to the border be a bad thing? Honest question. Every country has borders, however the USA has not enforced it in years. I know I can’t just walk in to Canada or Mexico with out getting in trouble if I’m caught, what’s the difference?

And yes there is more between a man and woman, the issue is the leftists trying to allow men in womens sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms and convince us its normal. It’s not normal. Transgenders account for approx 0.06% of the population and leftists want the entire country to bend at the knee to accept that some 6’ 200 girl named Jared is a woman. Majority rules. Parents don’t want some chick with a dick showering with their daughter, or playing sports with girls.

rant over. Have a good day




I’ve failed to see any evidence that proves otherwise, as stated by pure unadulterated fact, the vast majority of voters for Trump were UNEDUCATED.

I honestly have no care about “superiority” all I genuinely care about is how we treat each other in society, when one side starts preaching intolerance then that side loses my vote and any modicum of respect for the other followers of it. I have zero care if that is left, right or centrist views.


2 MENY BIG WORD BREN HURT - Average Trump supporter if they ever try to watch that video.


So if you don’t go to an indoctrination camp (college) that means that you are uneducated? You’re implying that someone who say graduated high school and got into a trade, or maybe started their own business doesn’t deserve a vote? But if you took a big fat loan and went to college, (then begged the government to pay for your bad choice) you’re superior?

I’m a high school graduate. Started my own business at 26, and now employ 12 people who I pay 50-90K a year with a company that grosses 2.5 million. What a dummy I am.

Again, your thought process is EXACTLY why the democrats lost.


We can’t all be as smart as Lucas apparently. gfy bud


Christ on a crutch, “indoctrination camp”. That right there is what sums up what is wrong with your element of society. Everyone deserves a vote. Doesn’t mean they made the right vote, I would cite the people who voted for Hitler but I’m not entirely confident you don’t think Hitler was simply misunderstood.


I genuinely do not care for any claims to intellectual superiority, I am by a far margin, not the smartest person nor would I ever claim to be, but at least I can critically think (something which I seem to recall is being banned in parts of America in the education system, although I might be mistaken on that, happy to be corrected if so), and detect when bullshit is trying to be shoved down my throat ^^.


So your beliefs are right, and if someone voted different they are wrong? Got it.
Maybe they voted that way because they are tired of paying high taxes to a government who doesn’t have their best interest in mind?
A government who provides meals, housing and money to illegal immigrants before their own veterans living on the streets.
A government giving pardons like they’re going out of style to cover their own crimes up.
A government that tells them chicks with dicks are normal, and should even be encouraged.
A government who helps prisoners mutilate their body with tax $ only to find out they have the same mental condition they had before.

Whatever we can go round and round. In case there is any confusion, Hitler was the worst human to ever walk this earth. Comparing somebody you don’t like to him is pretty silly and can’t be taken seriously IMO