I would accept people that are reasonable but I have not known a democrat to be reasonable. In fact if you don’t agree with a democrat you are a homophobe, a racist, a Nazi, a threat to democracy, etc. etc.! In America it is very rare to have a political discussion between a conservative and a liberal. A conservation will keep a discussion going by stating facts. A liberal only wants to discuss what feels good without any facts.
And here I thought the democrats have become the party of the rich! Proof…how did Harris raise 1.5 billion dollars?
They are not Republicans/conservatives, Only Musk was with him pre election, they all came on to kiss the ring at the inauguration. Hell Zuckerberg spent $400 million to get Biden elected in 2020.
Hey Mr. Brainwashed Dumbass………you are a typical liberal. When you don’t have anything constructive to say or you can’t debate with facts, like telling me why I should vote for a democrat you resort to name calling. It is no use talking to you because you are so brainwashed you cannot think for yourself……NICE TRY!
Not sure it’s a great thing when the President orders a halt to all federal aid and grants, essentially freezing around $3 trillion of economic activity…
Propaganda? Look upon your lord and saviour saying it coming from his own mouth, fucking clowns
Christ, you are like his minions actually, and he’s just a shitty Gru…What an apt choice of gif I chose.
This post was started 8 days ago and I am almost fed up. I am already brainwashed and even if I try nicely I won’t stand a chance.
I know my post stand good chances of being misunderstood and therefore I would like to assure you that I am not trying to dissuade or put pressure on nobody. I simply think that at this time, we all pretty much know what some of us have to say and this post is now running in a loop.
I wonder if it would be possible for the strong opinions heads (pardon my bad English) to just sit back, relax and leave it to others to express themselves and see if some new voices will add their comments and ideas.
And then, afterward, when the comments frequency start to fade we could continue this thread and focus on the present and the facts and leave the past behind. Opening Our mind and discussing the actual with the facts and the propaganda from all sources and sides we stand more chances to get the real images. What do you think ? I am trying nicely.
not a chance there will always be
waiting in the wings
My cousin who lives in Canada just shared this with a lot of canadians
it looks like they don’t want to merge with the USA
Here’s a list of US products and their Canadian equivalents you can keep handy for your next trip to the grocery store.
Dairy Products
Instead of Kraft (cheese, dairy) → Try Saputo, Black Diamond, Armstrong
Instead of Philadelphia (cream cheese) → Try Lactantia, Tre Stelle, Agropur
Instead of Yoplait (yogurt) → Try Astro, Olympic, Liberté
Instead of Land O’Lakes (butter) → Try Lactantia, Natrel, Gay Lea
Soft Drinks & Beverages
Instead of Coca-Cola, Pepsi → Try Canada Dry, PC Cola, Great Value (Walmart)
Instead of Tropicana (juice) → Try Oasis, SunRype, Arthur’s
Instead of Gatorade, Powerade → Try BioSteel (Canadian sports drink)
Instead of Starbucks bottled drinks → Try Tim Hortons, Second Cup ready-to-drink beverages
Packaged & Snack Foods
Instead of Lay’s (chips) → Try Old Dutch, Covered Bridge, Hardbite
Instead of Doritos, Cheetos → Try Neal Brothers, Hardbite tortilla chips
Instead of Kellogg’s (cereal) → Try Nature’s Path, Barbara’s, Quaker (some products Canadian-made)
Instead of Nabisco (cookies/crackers) → Try Dare, Leclerc, Voortman
Instead of Campbell’s (soups) → Try Habitant (by Loblaws), President’s Choice soups
Instead of Heinz (ketchup, sauces) → Try French’s (Canadian-made ketchup), President’s Choice
Meat & Processed Foods
Instead of Oscar Mayer (deli meats) → Try Maple Leaf, Schneiders, Pillers
Instead of Hormel (bacon, ham) → Try Olymel, Grimm’s
Instead of Tyson Foods (chicken products) → Try Lilydale, Maple Lodge Farms
Instead of Beyond Meat (plant-based) → Try Yves Veggie Cuisine, Gardein
Condiments & Sauces
Instead of Hellmann’s (mayonnaise) → Try President’s Choice, Compliments
Instead of French’s (mustard) → Try Kozlik’s, President’s Choice
Instead of Hidden Valley (salad dressing) → Try Renee’s, Kraft (Canadian-made varieties)
Instead of Tabasco (hot sauce) → Try Dawson’s, Piri Piri by PC, No Name hot sauce
Baking Products
Instead of Pillsbury (flour, baking mixes) → Try Robin Hood, Five Roses, Compliments
Instead of Betty Crocker (cake mixes) → Try President’s Choice, No Name
Instead of Hershey’s (chocolate chips) → Try Camino, Laura Secord, PC chocolate chips
Instead of Domino (sugar) → Try Redpath (Canadian brand)
Frozen Foods
Instead of Green Giant (vegetables) → Try Arctic Gardens, Compliments, No Name
Instead of Stouffer’s (frozen meals) → Try President’s Choice, M&M Food Market
Instead of Eggo (waffles) → Try Nature’s Path, President’s Choice
Instead of DiGiorno (frozen pizza) → Try Dr. Oetker (some made in Canada), President’s Choice
Coffee & Tea
Instead of Starbucks → Try Tim Hortons, Second Cup, Van Houtte
Instead of Folgers → Try Nabob, Kicking Horse Coffee
Instead of Lipton (tea) → Try Red Rose, Tetley (some products Canadian-made)
Instead of Nestlé (coffee creamers) → Try International Delight (Canadian-made), Beatrice creamers
Personal Care Products (found at grocery stores)
Instead of Colgate (toothpaste) → Try Green Beaver, Tom’s of Maine (some Canadian-made)
Instead of Dove (soap, shampoo) → Try Live Clean, The Green Beaver Company
Instead of Head & Shoulders → Try Attitude, The Unscented Company
Instead of Gillette (razors, shaving cream) → Try Schick (some Canadian-made), Personna
Juwan. There is no need to apologise for your bad English at all. Your post makes sense. Cheers
You simply want to believe the nonsense, he was clearly “brainstorming” with his doctors on hand about looking into ways to treat the virus, only morons came away from that press conference thinking he was suggesting people should inject bleach. Horse de-wormer too right? Worse than Hitler too! Yeah it’s everyone else who is the clown! May want to get yourself a mirror.
He pretty seriously suggested people should inject bleach or take ivermectin.
Even if he didn’t mean to suggest it, he still did, and people did it, and then got very sick because of it!
You don’t suggest those sort of things especially when you’re in a position of serious power and dealing with a crisis.
…and don’t have the first clue of what you’re talking about.
Google announces that “brainwashed” is becoming the number one word by their algorithms…
I received the following message: This is an automated message from Voyeur House TV Forum to let you know that your post was removed.
Your post was flagged as inappropriate: the community feels it is offensive, abusive, to be hateful conduct or a violation of our community guidelines.
This post was flagged by the community and a staff member opted to remove it.
VHTV removed my response to myriadEyes (See post 332). People on this thread have called me an in-bred, a minor, a Nazi, and a racist. President Trump has been called an evil, psychopathic, moron, despicable excuse for a human being to ever walk the planet and a racist, rapist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, criminal, orange shit slime. I was removed (I guess) because in my response to myriadEyes I called him a moron after he called President Trump a moron. So……I cannot call someone a moron but liberals can be crude, obscene, indecent, vulgar to me and President Trump and all is OK. Hey myriadEyes, did you “turn me in”? Did you complain about my post?
I love VHTV rules (sarcasm). It’s OK for us to watch a guy put his finger up a women’s ass or watch a guy go down on another guy, or watch a woman take a shit but it is not OK for someone to call a person a moron. This does not make any sense! But rules are rules and I will try not to be so offensive in the future. In fact, I apologize to myriadEyes for calling him a moron. Of course no one will apologize to me for all the names I’ve been called during this forum thread.
Lol, Trump implemented Project 2025 in all 50 states
Federal funding freeze for all American…
As I say, what could possibly go wrong.