President Trump

You are wrong! You stated market forces and global influences mainly determine oil prices. If that is true, how the hell did oil prices go from Jan 2017 $48.17 down to $18.20 per barrel in April 2020 when President Trump was in office? I think his policy of “drill baby drill” had most of why the gas prices went down during his administration…….Nice try!

Job growth and opportunities, Stock market increase and the one that helped me the most was mortgage rates, purchased multiple properties during that time which is unaffordable to most at current rates.

Correlation and Causation are not the same thing… Nice try!

Just like do you know why the prices went up during Biden? You would say its bad leadership, but its the fact that fuckwit decided to invade Ukraine and caused a chunk of the global oil to suddenly become economically undesirable or flat out illegal in a large part of the world.


Everyone remember when that orange fuckwit told people to inject bleach during Covid? God I wish more of his followers up above decided to listen. Remember the horse drug? Absolutely hilarious.

I’ve seen babies fresh out the womb with more awareness than that clown

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Ivermectin turned out to be quite effective actually.

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This is liberal propaganda and you believe it! You are brainwashed!

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This proves Lennie saying you are brainwashed is accurate, this was all pure propaganda. Dumb as hell.


:roll_eyes:Drink some more of the Kool-Aid!


You forgot the part about “High Income” earners and the top 10% of Mega corps.
Like the Orange One…select the info you want and ignore the rest!

You asked, “do you know why the prices went up during Biden?” Read this article titled, “These Twenty Five Biden Administration policies are Raising Energy Costs” dated December 4, 2021. (Go to website Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. So before Putin invaded Ukraine Biden policies were already increasing gas prices……Nice try!

@Lennie185278 you are getting heavy you are not accepting any thought other than being pro-Turmp…hopefully this topic will be closed as soon as possible…

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Hey Mr. Brainwashed…….the top 1% of taxpayers paid 40% of all taxes in 2022. In 2021 they paid 45% Why did it decrease under your liberal man Biden? The top 50% of taxpayers paid 97% of all taxes. The bottom half paid just 3.7% of the Federal taxes. Please tell me what percentage should these top earners pay? Should they have to pay 98% or 99% or maybe even 100%. Don’t you think they pay enough now? You are used to high taxes. Even at an average income tax rate of 14.5%, most Americans feel that is too much, especially with all the waste and corruption in our Government. Go DOGE and Elon Musk!!

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Maybe if you liberals could answer this question that I asked six days ago and I still do not have an answer. Please explain to me why you would vote for a democrat? NOTE: When you provide this explanation you cannot negatively state anything about President Trump, Republicans, or conservatives. The explanation can only provide positive democratic policies and ideas.
By the way, if there was a republican vs a democrat and the republican was an ass and I agreed with most policies the democrat was running on, I might vote for the democrat! ……but probably not because I do not agree with anything the democrats stand for! That’s why I originally asked why should I vote for a democrat? I am so brainwashed by conservative propaganda that I really want to know what are the positive policies and ideas of democrats! It should not take six days to get answer from any one of you liberals if the democrats had positive policies and ideas!

forgive me but you don’t accept the thought of verse of another person…for you trump is the best in the world…

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Cap on prescription drugs. Child tax credit. The infrastructure bill. The inflation reduction act, the Chips act. just to name a few.

The infrastructure bill. The inflation reduction act, the Chips act. - these are jokes right?


Of 235 posts by me and mostly liberals not one person has answered my question! So maybe if I got an answer I might accept that democrats are not the idiots I think they are. Can you tell me the positive policies and ideas of democrats?

my guy, you cant ask people to validate why they vote democrat by eliminating major reasons why they would. Trump is impulsive and unmeasured which can cause a huge concern, even to those that voted for him. In addition to people being pro choice and concerned about the ever growing income inequality in this world that the republicans are more than ok with.

But how is it possible that all people have to be with Lennie who worships Trump … Everyone can think as he likes but he does not accept it …

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