Poll : The most useless guest/participant on VHTV ?!?

Who do you think is the most useless/boring current participant/Guest on VHTV ? ( this is just to have some fun, please don’t take it seriously lol ) Poll closes on Dec 1.
  • Buddhist girls @ MacySsens
  • Jason @ Crazy House
  • Charly & Dora @ Nude House
  • Guido (AKA limpy) @ Yan & Flora
  • Lesbian girls @ Luchik
  • Sergio &Teresa @ Jurry
  • Show girls @ Maddy & Rocco
  • Calin @ Milana & Robien
  • Candy Red @ Candy Red
  • Creepy grandpa @ Kazantip house
  • Alp (AKA Virgin) @ Tristan & Nari, Artem & Bari
0 voters

Just to clarify things, by “useless” I mean someone who doesn’t seem interested in the project and doesn’t do anything to justify his/her presence on the VHTV, for example s/he doesn’t take part in any group activities/fun in their respective realm or is away/as___p all the time, in short s/he doesn’t add anything to our voyeur experience and is not interesting to the viewers, and sometimes it makes you wonder why is s/he even there ? lol

Only one vote? That is a hard one… :rofl:

I know, there are some very strong candidates and each one of them deserve the title, but you need to do your research and make an informed decision as it can only be one winner, and the vote count could be very close :joy:

Fuck off now, you asking us to go view these apartments to make sure we are making the right choice :rofl:

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Just one detail, Macy’s girls are not Buddhists, they are Hindus (Hare Krishna, Hare Rama)

Yes, every vote counts, you need to make sure you are choosing the absolute worst :rofl:

Buddhists worship Krishna too, they have adopted it from Hinduism.

They are two different religions, although they share a parallel origin, Muslims also consider Jesus Christ a great prophet but they are not Christians. Either way, I’m afraid Macy’s guests, which is what we care about, would be just as boring. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

“While Hinduism adopted the Buddha in its mythology, Buddhism adopted the Hindu god Krishna in its own mythology. The story of Krishna occurs in the Jataka tales in Buddhism.” That’s from Wikipedia and it has referenced the original source there.

I only imagined that they are Buddhist as Buddhism is a very common religion in Russia, but who knows, I am certainly no expert. but regardless of their religion they are still a good candidate for the “most useless” guest/s :sweat_smile:

Yes, we better leave the subject lest we end up like them. :rofl:

Does not matter what religion they are, if they have tits and a pussy then I will view the apartment :rofl:

But they religion might prevent them from publicly displaying their goods :rofl:

Everybody gets naked at some time. We have already seen a few give us a view of things they would never show. I have seen nipples, tits and a bush. :rofl:

Even though I voted for Limpy as the worst I still view that apartment because lets be honest, the ladies are worth looking at.

I don’t look at dressed women :joy:

Flora and the new lady are naked a lot of the time, do you need glasses?

I carry them but I do not follow the apartment regularly, in fact I do not identify which of the novices is Flora.

but imagine that they will be seduced, and we will see nuns hungry for new experiences and new sensations :wink:

We need to smoke something to imagine that. :joy: