Poll : The most useless guest/participant on VHTV ?!?

ask the tenants for +7 mushrooms, good hallucinogenic mushrooms grow there

That’s what the actress said to the bishop😊

Why was this guy not included in the list. I have seen him do absolutely FUCK ALL. :upside_down_face:

They put Jason in that pod now? :joy: :joy:

This is so funny. Aderyn was checking the forum and when he finds this poll ( or maybe comments on their topic ) and learns Guido’s nickname " Limpy " . He repeats it and then asks Guido if he knows what it means, his reaction is so funny when he googles it and understands what it means :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Limpy himself had no reaction.

No, he doesn’t seem too thrilled about it :sweat_smile:

I wonder if Moma Bear is going to get told :rofl:

I see Limpy at no stage let go of his penis. :rofl:

He just has to check every 2 minutes to see if it’s still there :joy:

As a kid he had no toys :upside_down_face:

No, His mum would tell him to just go and play with his dick :rofl:

All here should be sent, no need to choose

Yeah, unfortunately that’s not up to us, but we can vote and elect the King/Queen of the useless ones :joy:

defenetly MarcySsens

Now we know who you voted for :crazy_face:

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You forgot to add Debbie & Paul and also the Bathrobe Gang :rofl:

LOL No, I didn’t forget. one criteria to make it to the list was for them to be participants or permanent / very regular guests, and I didn’t select more than one person from each realm, otherwise there were many more candidates :sweat_smile:

Lol ahahaha yes totally right. It is really hard to decide who to pick now… :rofl:

have you not voted yet ? lol Hurry, we are running out of time :joy: