When I paused the live feeds to capture my pics it don’t buffer and or rewind back a few seconds so that’s big plus for me
A big plus ? That’s one of the most annoying things ever to the timeline and pause function. We’ve been talking about it for a long time
Lisbet jumped asleep from 13:58:40 to 15:15:xx …wow …
You can see from another camera that nothing bad has happened, apart from the mobile phone alarm clock ringing. This one runs without jumping.
That’s what happens when the camera is not working
The cameras are working as there isn’t any data lost, they just go out of sync (up to 5 minutes between the cams from the same room). I don’t record it all the time but it is happening daily in all the places that i watch. I found one example that i recorded here
I also have a camera time delay of 2-5 minutes with the two Lisbet videos.
The question was whether data loss occurs when synchronising the cameras?
For the standard user, yes, as it is suddenly x minutes later. I can remember a blowjob from Rosy that suddenly continued with Rosy no longer being in the room.
There isn’t any data loss. I’ve been waiting many times to see the action on the “delayed” cam as it was a better angle and always was the same, no loss at all
But there actually is data loss in Max’s example. To prove me wrong, you could send me a link to timeline showing 14-30 today on mentioned Lisbet cam
Sorry, i wasn’t watching Max’s example but only telling from my previous experience. Sorry for not being very clear
Regarding your case - that might be relevant example! But since it’s from 16 days ago, and that’s when we had massive server load due to contests, there really was an acknowledgement global problem with timestamps. So, we will need something happening now
I understand but it is still happening. I do not watch so many places to have a even better image but even on the few that i watch is still happening. Last one i remember now was when Amelie came to pick up the birds and all the bedroom cams where out of sync.
The question is, as long as it runs unsynchronised, it is ‘only’ annoying.
But there are periods of time x when all cameras are synchronised and then the display jumps from, say, 1:57 to 2:00.
The question here was whether this is ‘only’ in the display image or also later in the recordings.
I do not know for sure, the only times when i was interested to stay and wait for the out of sync cam to get to the moment i was interested in, the action wasn’t missing. Not sure if it’s relevant for all the times when this is happening.
In one of the recordings, it was recorded unsynchronised and you could see that
one camera was running incorrectly when the camera jumped.
Oh and Kaya, i have noticed something else as well: When i was searching for some of my oldest posts in one Topic here, i was clicking on my name then on the tab with how many posts i have in that topic and all my post were displayed. That’s not working, clicking on that tab is not displaying the posts anymore
Yes not working for me as well.
About the problems with the jumps I think there are multiple reasons:
- “Real” buffering resulting in the cameras time to jump and the time will be lost and can’t be seen on timeline later
- Out of sync where cameras run out of sync during some time and then they jump to sync themselves again. In that case the time is not lost and can be seen on timeline later.
I guess that i haven’t experienced the buffering problem (yet)
But so many times the out of sync issue and it’s so damn annoying ( always was the cam with the best view being the out of sync one )
That is a specific problem of realm28. They need to fix that
It seems to me the “hedgehog timeline” is fixed