Peeing girls

Hii guys i cannot open that last one. I don;'t know why Can you tell me which real( and time?) so i can find it ?

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realm22 (Berlin&Tokyo), you should actually be able to read the screentime yourself from the video :wink: if you’re concentrating too much on something else: 18:22

Thanks Jon it is V strange coming back on the thread and now it opend !! ??
Thankss anyway

Videos sometimes take a little longer to start.

Meanwhile my subscription ended, so I cannot video this one again now. If my video makes trouble, please feel free to tape another one insetad.

Maybe i’ll subscribe again later this year, but this month I only found 3 times a nice pissing scene, thats a poor result for this money. Before there where more nice scenes every week.
Well, lets see later this year again.

I had no problem with your video. Wolfie Smith couldn’t load it. But now it works for him too. :+1:

pity you are leaving But maybe you’ll come back. And the forum is always open to you free of charge.

So take care. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I have 70 days left on my subscription, I hope you are back before I depart.

Well we’ll see Kendrick, My budget this year is low because of high energy costs. Price for electric energy raised 260% and gas raised 310% in compairing to last year.
I cannot pay money I don’t have at the end… So i have to make choices.

I hope I can buy another premium subscription in about two months from now.

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The utilities have become too expensive for me. And the value of the Hungarian forint also dropped a lot. So I only plan to subscribe for 3 months in the summer.

Is it possible for two of us to use the same subscription and cut the costs in half? It would be a win-win situation, so we could buy an annual subscription.

That still means almost 6 month subcription each, I cannot see that far forwards at the moment, the prices of energy here are changing fast, sometimes drops a little but mainly rise.

So I am sorry but I cannot do this, I need the freedom of decission any moment, otherwise it would be a ncie idea however I think is against the rules also :wink:

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what realm was this in?

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realm22 (Berlin&Tokyo)

Who keep such a dedicated catalogue of all the peeing & pooping participants and/or guests after you depart this site? :thinking: :sob:

to bring it back on topic

the beautifull @Flora :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey! If getting naked and showing off makes you happy, then I’m happy :yum:

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It’s a new feeling as I discover more on this intriguing site :wink:

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qu’ils se rassurent : je me retiendrai de faire pipi jusqu’au retour de ces deux-là :rofl: