…poor girl, she got scared of the air raid. In my country, air raid alerts almost every night. F@ckin russians
For God’s sake man, have some compassion. They are in the middle of an air raid! How about you stop your fixation with lighting conditions! Sheesh!
Now in the morning it’s called shy
Just for once stop being such a jerk
I think the same of you
Any video posted by ToreyK. There’s one a ways back from here.
moi en général tout passe
mais il arrive en effet que des vidéos ne fonctionnent pas !
Amelie eres la mas guapa de Ucrania
My Dear Friends !! Amelie & Lucas I am truly sorry for the end of last night for the difficult days that You people going through who stand & fight for your Freedom !!
I wish from the bottom of my heart soon it becomes a bad nightmare.
Yesterday I understood that Your Friend It would have some celebration perhaps her birthday & I wanted to wish you all and treat Your Guys for what bought to eat…That was All I could do with a small gift that I sent it. I hope you received it Because I might have done a mistake when I sent it
Again my thoughts and prayers with You All… to be well… On those tragic events !!
Some people just can’t comprehend the situation and conditions that Amelie and Lucas {Amongst countless of thousands of people are enduring now) I wonder if Carlos watches any News feeds from the Ukraine at all.
As I looked back at what had happened, the cold shook me. I felt very sorry for Telma, Amelie’s calmness and kindness in this situation impressed me. As I watched the events, I felt again that Amilie and Lukas had sneaked into my heart again
And the food in the tray looks good also . . .
probléme plus de conexion appart
Chiki & Lori
Es scheint, dass Telma bei A&L einzieht. Arnold?? Überwiegend Frauenkleidung
I might be wrong but I am fairly sure that’s the best (closest) view we have had of both birds. Lovely to see them like this.