On sharing videos & other content to forum

But fair is only fair rules are meant to be rules. Some members stated they only download the videos for their own personal use but it isn’t allowed but yet members can screen record and post videos here on the forum and it’s ok how is this possible.

There are important questions asked here, I’ve moved these posts to the external topic to prevent going further off the topic.

I’ll get back to you all to answer those.

Hi, real moderator here :slight_smile:

If you have someone in mind to help me, feel free to contact me anytime.

Thanks. :hugs:
And you know what Jin means right.

You have to find someone who can be here regularly, not just someone who jumps in evergy now and then. Your forum has hundreds of not thousands of posts a day now. You need independent, full time moderators who can actually speak for your company.

Maybe we will have such employees someday. I appreciate your suggestion and care about the forum. No need to remind me about it every time you post.

In the meantime, the more people report the posts which they believe break any rules, the faster the reaction time will be. This includes forum system to hide the posts automatically until moderator comes online if the post receives enough reports on the same matter.

You need to be careful on that as it could become a___ed with malicious intent?

Just change the name of the forums to JabbathCaps. That’s what it is and you know it. You may own it and you may be the admin/moderator, but he and his friends run this place. They clearly tower over everyone else here. It makes it easier for you. Too bad for the people who actual do the work on your site. I guess allowing the TL4 and the operator class to insult them is worth the price. Pitiful really!

When we launched the forum, the system reacted to the first flag. Since then I’ve raised the threshold. This is adjustable, so in case our kind @system or @discobot misbehave, I’ll do some setting fiddling again.

Shouldn’t this topic be about the sharing of content and not about Amys rants he repeats like a broken record everyday? Just asking? :wink:

Dont want to nag but there are comments here that has nothing to do with this topic. wel 2 comments one mine @Darkknight1973 and of @robwin. it was about the tall of Foxy can you reverse that or not?

Of course it gets a___ed here. The people who have power get to insult the tenants all they want to and there ain’t no one here who is going to report them and they know it. But if some nobody dare say something that they don’t like it’s flag city. This forum operates on a mob rule.

Guilty as charged :rofl:

Yes i would like to know about the issues seeing as i was the one who started it. Now it’s just about moderators

Then move it yourself.

Maybe but many points are quite valid really but then it’s a matter of interpretation.

Any change to hate on jabbath1987 and some will take it, pathetic but small things do amuse small minds

Not the one to say that. But as VHTV said Amy should make an own topic or a poll…

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Preferably on a totally different site. :upside_down_face:

Amy??? who’s Amy? Thought it was Jin posting :roll_eyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks! Exactly the relevance is the fact that the question was raised and jabbath think he can answer it. My comment involve that part of the discussion over whether or not people can screen record. In others can we get a person who can actually answer the question at hand and not some operator who thinks he’s the boss around here.