On sharing videos & other content to forum

People come here and assume that the operators can speak for vhtv. There is no doubt that people think they are the moderarors here.

Exactly! What a waste of breath that is. Get a real moderator vhtv.

Well okay. It is not new and the rules have always been like that:

Not allowed

  • Dowloading videos from archives
  • Recording the live stream


  • Posting Screencaps, gifs or short videos (Made with screen recording like for exampe Bandicam)
  • Allowed forums: CamCaps, VHTV
  • No third party hosts. Only direct upload

So nothings changed then so what is all the fuss about?

That policy is really confusing and should be updated @VHTV_James to include the permissions to post in the two forums

What you say means nothing jabbath. You’re not vhtv and you don’t speak for them. Get a real moderator.

The point is posting videos on the forum how is this allowed when someone can’t screen record videos for themselves and get banned. I was told screen recording videos from VHTV support wasn’t allowed.

Oh so it wasn’t so easy was it? Pointless dribble.

Unless i am being a bit thick don’t these two rules contradict each other?

The problem is the caught @Daleys downloading videos which is really forbidden. They sent him their policies where it also says screen recording is forbidden. However that policy was never enf___ed and it is impossible to detect. So they should just remove it from terms of service.

No with recording is meant capturing the raw stream redirecting it directly into a file.

Exactly as no one knows when anyone is recording from on screen anyway.

So if they removed screen recording from the terms of service anyone can go around recording videos from the archive and not get banned.

Exactly. So they should remove that.

Doesn’t say that, we ain’t mind readers :rofl:

When you want have all the videos running in real time til recording. Good luck. I won’t spent that time for it :joy: :joy:

Was quite obvious to me…

:rofl: I don’t think anything is obvious on here :rofl:

They aren’t going to remove it. They will probably carve out a caveat specifically for this forum. Good catch though with the discrepancy in the policy.

How is this different than someone downloading just because you are not detected you can still record the videos and keep them for yourself by screen recording.

So let’s get this clearly anyone can screen record any video from either live or the archives and not get banned and keep the videos for themselves.

On the other hand no one can download any videos from the archives and keep them for themselves. So you have two videos one screen recorded the other downloaded using a software to download. 2 files the only thing is the downloaded one will get you banned the other won’t.