
let us know if they give you a better answer

The official statement is that nobody knows as there is no info from manager yet.

Experience from the past however show they will not come back

realm 71 is back on the list only offline

well if you get any other info keep us updated please.

Sure I will do that.

Hello,is there any new information on these inactive realm’s?

No news but if theres any updates jabbeth will let us know

No news. But as you see realm71 is back online

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Yes, I see, I hope the rest will come back soon, especially Sasha and Viola which I’ve written so many times that it’s shocking :rofl: :joy:. If there is any new information, please share it

S&V coming back is the most unlikely I guess. (Just my opinion)

I hope they come back, but we’ll see

Ik weet niet of dit de juiste topic is voor de vraag
@jabbath1987 is er al enig nieuws of info over Wayne & Lyla ?
Zijn die nog altijd aan het verhuizen ?

I got an update on realm86

They definitely won’t be back. All the other places will be coming back but their is no timeframe yet.

good that its now finally confirmed to i can leave this hell site for good now and go to RLC. :grinning:

You think they might appear there?

of course not

Sorry just asking. I do not know much about RLC…

4 posts were split to a new topic: VHTV vs. RLC

Update from support. The only place returning will be realm74 No date given though and of course subject to change.
realm68 and realm79 definitely won’t return…

Realm41 (Korney &Douglas) was shut down as well, but with what happened there I think many would’ve been surprised if it hadn’t