Nina & Kira

:uk::uk::uk::uk::uk::uk::uk::uk::uk::uk::uk::uk: greatest country in the world

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so everything’s OK

Yes everything is fine

The problem is that you fans take any negative opinion as a personal attack. Nobody hates them, what happens is that some of you venerate them and the venerations in a place like this, to me personally, seem ridiculous.

me it’s your comments that seem ridiculous to me, to each his own opinion

Royaume-Uni : l’inflation atteint son record en 40 ans à 11,1% en octobre

a few small problems all the same, in the greatest country in the world. :rofl:

Typical response from Fan, I expected it.

At least we are out of the EU :v:

Yeah finally independent :+1:

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Excuse the curiosity, the Mick Taylor thing is because of the ex Stone?

No horror movie seriel k__ler from the wolf creek movies and TV show

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Oh thank you

moi, je ne les déteste pas mais il faut avouer que sur VHTV, elles sont chiantes comme la mort.
Mais quand on est un fan, peu importe le flacon, pourvu qu’on est l’ivresse (c’est français et c’est normal vu la quantité de vins que nous produisons)
Quand à plus grand pays du monde l’anglerre… Lol


I agree with you in my opinion the most boring in vhtv

Yeah had noticed but not worth the effort in answering really, we all have our opinions but who knows who’s right or wrong.
Maybe i am looking at things too practically :roll_eyes:

Just letting you no mate as you were not tagged

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How are all your nuclear reactors working then? :laughing:


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I do not understand the question.

you want a course on how a nuclear reactor works :rofl: