Mira & Henry (Part 1)

No, Toni asked who she was, I just answered the question to the best of my ability!

The image came from the Wiki.

forget it for him if a man sucks another man’s dick is a tragedy …everyone is free to do what they want if you don’t like it change the channel …

porque siempre lo he visto tan macho y en un descuido me lo vi con la polla en la boca de un chico. y no puede evitarlo fue algo inesperado

watching Wendy and Marica have fun together… just warms my heart!!

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Does this bother you too?


Is this a MS translation error or is ALGECIRAS really Henry in disguise?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Look like Koen is making his first move on Carolyn….:man_facepalming:t2::-1:t2::-1:t2: Seriously I don’t like this guy….:face_with_diagonal_mouth: I wanna see her with mature man or with Sidney…. But it shouldn’t with Koen… come on Henry fuck her…:sweat_smile:

me encanta

error de taducion lol

She sounds like she would be a real screamer during sex!

Yea…. I hope so…:sweat_smile: but don’t wanna see her guy like Koen…… I wanna see her getting fuck wild by some mature men…. Or Sidney…. :smiling_imp::smiling_imp: Koen is…:-1:t2::face_with_diagonal_mouth:



I like what I see.


y a mi, mientras no venga un chico a chuparle la polla

He look more bisexual to me…. enjoy….:rofl:

I hope in future some real men fuck her…:smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


I look at the woman and I don’t care which of the men she is with. But it’s apparently important to you. :rofl:



That sounds familiar, like you wanted Indira to fuck a real man, not her boyfriend