Mira & Henry (Part 1)

East or West, home’s best.

Is that a red headed elisha

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Yes, that’s Eliza with red hair on the left in the sofa next to Karel.

I saw karel the reason I wasn’t sure, was I didn’t have a view of her leg tatoo

The parties were a lot more interesting when Henry wasn’t there, because none of the women had to fuck or suck him,

I think the women enjoy having fun with Henry and it probably doesn’t matter much to them what you think of him even if you keep repeating yourself in your comments about him.


henry will fuck you soon

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First of all, We do not know Henry!

We only know what we see him do.

What we post here is all supposition, and I think our comments say more about the poster than it does about the subject, whether it be Henry, Jirina, or Tejo!

Yes, everyone has the right to write what they want. But it gets a bit tiresome in the long run, when it gradually just looks like an obsession to defame the people mentioned. In fact, it is probably spam, if you look at the amount of posts from a few people.

Who is the blonde on the couch between Henry and Wendy?

Holy words… :+1: :+1: :+1:

I believe she has been named Carolyn,


She appeared to _____ a great deal and slept in J&T bed last night…

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yo soy fan de Henry menos cuando le sale su lado bisexual, no me gusta ver chupar pollas por hombre y Mira me parece una chica estupenda

I wonder if someone leaves the project can their videos be used by Henry to show the group, apparently Lilo’s videos disappeared after she left

Everyone should be able to do what gives them pleasure and happiness, as long as it does not cause injury to others!


Nobody f___es any of us to watch anything here, We choose to do so!

cierto, pero no me gusta, eso puedo decirlo no?


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The archive videos, I don’t know, They are VHTV intellectual property, I think, because the participants were paid at the time!

But are the videos on their phones controlled by VHTV management?

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OK, Please explain why you would watch something you don’t like?

Do you enjoy hurting yourself?

Hors sujet !!