Would have preferred to post the picture where Marica found out that
she had to stay to serve the Lord.
Fucking _____ men is disgusting…
Mira didn’t have any action that night?
Would have preferred to post the picture where Marica found out that
she had to stay to serve the Lord.
Fucking _____ men is disgusting…
Mira didn’t have any action that night?
If you can’t be bothered to check back on the timeline that is your problem not anybody elses. Do you want being spoon fed?
Obviously I didn’t mind looking back… there are those that don’t live on this forum 24/7 and a pic with a time stamp is just common courtesy for others… but then courtesy rarely exists here does it?
I don’t think she resisted very much lol
Most members are very courteous and very helpful in my opinion and many post pics and short vids. Not all may be that well up on doing these things so shouldn’t be held against them.
And above all, you have no rights to the streams and also no rights to take pictures and post them, whether here or elsewhere.
That’s why there are people who don’t post pictures.
Where do you get those stupid ideas from.
We are all quite entitled to post what we like on the forum and there is nothing in the rules to prevent this.
Even Momemt Operators and Jabs post piccys and vids so put that in your pipe and smoke it
VHTV provides a way for anyone to post pics here… upper right hand in the screen of any realm… “get screenshot”.
The content, video streams, materials, images, designs and other media (collectively, the “Content”) which appear on voyeur-house.tv are protected by United Kingdom and international copyright laws and may not be reproduced, transmitted, copied, edited, or published in any way whatsoever without the written permission of voyeur-house.tv. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution or use of the Content is strictly prohibited. Without exception, copyright violators will be pursued and prosectued to the fullest extent of the law.
PLease do not start with that one again. @VHTV_James already stated multiple times it is okay to post photos here…
If you have noticed VH even provide a service and permission to take pics in the top right hand corner so perhaps you should get your facts straight next time before you make yourself look a complete tosser like you just have.
i understand why they dig stuff that gets cleaned up by vhtv, they have nothing to deal with, no content and just get eaten with their clothes on, yes it’s bad but what else can they do
I’ll definitely report it to Brittain, let’s see how much the terms are worth.
If you really have no idea, leave it alone. The supervisory authorities there clarify that.
Because what is written there cannot be overridden by any statements.
I’m just imagining if VHTV will delete its statement and send everyone a cease and desist. vs
And no streams and forum are different domains.
Let it be, I will no longer comment on it.
You go straight ahead and i hope it makes you very happy and turns you on
Next time spell Britain right will you
why don’t you make a ticket to vhtv so that they tell you what we tell you and that everything is fine for here
Which they have done, understand now or is that a bit too technical for you.
I believe am am correct in saying that this forum is also the intellectual property of VHTV, as it is ultimately administered by them? So @DenyOne the content downloaded from the streams on the main site is not actually leaving the domain of VHTV so is not breaking the copyright rules. If what you are trying to state were the case then the moments operator’s would also be subject to prosecution when they copy moments into the HD Clips gallery, it’s the same principle as you are implying.
@DenyOne Okay let me ask you two questions 1. do you work for VHTV? 2. Do you design web pages?
I have designed domains very similar to the type of web structure VHTV has. All of the pages intellectually owned under the same domain name of voyeur-house.tv, are prefixed or suffixed to the domain the forum is prefixed and the moments is suffixed, but are ALL the same domain as they come under the same DOMAIN NAME.
I wonder if Mira let him fuck Marica as a way of thanking her for helping housesit
And that was her payment for the good viewer ratings for the last month? lol
The living room does not look like its normal tidy self. ???