H&M are at T&J, another road trip lol
Where are the pics with time stamps? It’s all BS unless you can prove it…
Which story is bs
Read…, Henri/Marica… please post pics with time stamps if something happens!!! Otherwise, the comments are trash…
You didn’t see them fuck tonight, you missed it
Time stamp??? I can take the effort to go go back and look, but considerate viewers post pics with time stamps… something you obviously can’t do… so I take your word for it?
Between 2 and 330am
So they all ran over there to try to boost J&T views?
Sorry, not interested!
Without I&K, I don’t care about that apartment at all!
Good night all!
And… which room???
They fucked on the H&M yellow couch, and then finished in the bedroom
? If you ask me the couch is beige
It must be cum stained after a month of Wendy and marica fucking Koen on it, and mikl too
In that case would be white
And you know this how??? You have no access to the BR… post what you have access to or don’t post…
That couch will be covered in bodily fluids! LOL!!
Think they have to use a geiger counter whenever they enter the room, just to make sure it is safe
What do you mean will? It definitely is.