Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Ok only time will tell i suppose.

He does that all the time. It pissed me off numerous times. I’ve no idea why, we all know hes shoving a big fat dildo up his ass, he seems to be shy when he wants to be.

Mira ans Henry had a girl teaching them English a while ago she also used to take part in the party’s it would be nice is she along with some of the other past guests came back to their room

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Her name is Athena.

Thanks for the reminder i just reminisced a little on the back numbers!

I miss her to but there are plenty of scenes available in the clips gallery

Marica me plait beaucoup, elle parait timide et reservée, mais quand elle se lache c’est que du bonheur

Thanks i now remember her name she should go to other couples in the area and carry on teaching then maybe we could understand what more couples are all talking about

Oh men, cant watch this with this music on…

Pink Floyd, Echoes, live at Pompei


The fucking technique of that guy is weird… Only using the tip of his dick…


ik think his dick is too big for her… so she do not allow full penetration


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it’s like putting a 10mm drill bit into a 5mm hole :rofl: :rofl:


comfortably numb… applicable


Wish you were here


Me gustó el trío los 2 chicos pero la chica es muy tímida no disfruta para nada, no se le ve cómoda, mira hubiese cavalgado ese pene sin problemas aún que el chico invitado tenga pene de burro :drooling_face: lo chuparia con pasión y profesionalismo

No esta cómoda porque no tiene nivel para estar aqui, es simplemente eso.


I talked to Mira, she said they will be back soon. I am looking forward to it. When she’s on screen the rest of the world stops and she is all I can see.

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Thanks for info. I’m happy Mira wil be back soon. Not so happy about Henry do.
But thats just that because I dont like him very much.