Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Wow! I had no idea. Perhaps the end then. Not sure they anything to fall back on.

don’t know as when she came back both of them packed there bags took the dog and left although they didn’t seem to be angry with each other. think they may have gone away to sort things


That’s horrible! I don’t know their personal situation, but maybe Henry can go and Mira can stay. I really hate to hear this.

Salut, dĂ©solĂ© mais ce n’est pas du tout ce que j’ai vu, justement quand elle a criĂ© et que les autres ont accouru, j’ai pensĂ© Ă  la violence, mais je suis revenu en arriĂšre sur la loggia et elle a simplement crier aprĂšs Henry sur un dĂ©saccord
 cela m’a mĂȘme rassurĂ© car il n’imaginais pas Henry faire ça. Je ne parle pas russe non plus mais une baffe n’a pas de langage :wink:

I hope so too and I hope mira is ok>

This was a longtime coming.


I reached out to her on Twitter. So maybe I will learn if she’s at least ok. I am thinking things are smoothed out because she RT’d things about the party in the apartment today.

Thanks. Keep me informed. :hugs:

Thanks for the clarification

Thanks for the background guys. So sorry to hear about the troubles between them. Really hope they can sort it out. The amount they play about they really should have sorted out their relationships before something as (relatively) small as that. Hope they come back soon.

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Mira & Henry are simply on vacations. All good with them.


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Thanks) always wanted to see whats happened next)

I do understand Russian, and the argument was not totally verbal.
It is too obscure to actually SEE, but judging from Mira’s reaction and what she said about
 won’t publish it here. She immediately screamed for help, and then - ran out from the apartment.

Too pity for Mira

Whatever the truth is Mira and Henri are washed up and whatever they had before they don’t have now and it’s pretty freaking obvious to anyone with eyeballs that the their relationship is on life support. Something is troubling Mira and it’s written all over her from head to toe. She is not a happy person no matter how hard she tries to deny it. It’s easy to know by the way Henri has been acting. They don’t need a another vacation they need to get a life away from this site.

Yes, she had legitimate reasons to be troubling that day (before the fight)

And no doubt not just then. This has been brewing for a while. They may very well go on vacation and they may come back like nothing happened, but my intuition tells me that all is far from well between them. Not something that any vacation is going to fix.

I really like this couple they have been around for a long time but still every time they are fun to watch,I hope they’re going to come back with the problem resolved.They are swingers, they like to fuck other people, so it’s hard to figure out what is going on, hopefully they stay,to be honest it’s the couple that keeps me coming back!!


They have had quite a few recently and not that far apart either, make of it what you will but something is not going well between them. The body language often seems quite strained as well.

Well I can tell you all is well with them