Mira & Henry (Part 1)

If you guys would stay on topic and just deal with the comments I made about the apt, we’d all be fine. But no, you have to start going after me personally and down the hole we go. I’d be fine not going there, but I think I have a right to defend myself.

The only one who started something was you by personally insulting Herky8 and the people here - what a sad little life you leed.

That troll is too stupid to see their own hypocrisy. You will get some idiotic reply that does not answer your point. See why we call them trolls.

ma non si può eliminare questa persona jin dal forum…

Thanks for spreading Christmas cheer. You obviously have too much time on your hands even as a troll and your negativity says a lot about you and your intellect. If you have nothing positive to say then its better to say nothing at all. But I wouldn’t expect that kind of common sense to resonate with you because of your immature inability to reflect on what ‘Everyone’ else here is saying. Everybody here is wrong except YOU? Ha Ha Ha yeah right!

Just more bashing the messager to cheer of the mob. Yay! Nothing you said has any value whatever and speaks nothing toward my actual comment. Just hate that’s all.

I think M&H are trying to sell the dog.

For sure not.

But then this whole evening was a waste of time. Henry is starting to look like Amelie.

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But then this whole evening was a waste of time. Henry is starting to look like Amelie.

That is funny. Great movie, though.

Very funny movie yes.

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There is another nice movie - “About Time” 2013. In the first few minutes of this film there is a movie poster for the movie Amelie on the wall. Nice touch, I thought.

What a stupid system VH run regarding flagged and hidden posts when you can view it anyway by just clicking on it.
It’s just human nature people will click on and view it so you are defeating the whole object.
Obviously that’s what they want you to do :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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this whole forum is for the s__ts - so chaotic, disruptive, argumentative, crude and no point participating.

Well all was going well and taking off and Mira suddenly stops it all - again. Now they seem to be going - the era of M & H’s sex parties looks to be hitting the buffers. What I don’t understand is why Mira goes so far then stops - hardly fair on the rest of them. She would be better not to start.


If a chick was.grinding on me, and then stopped, a bad case of blue balls

That’s just her. Don’t try to understand it. It’s been a source of frustration for years. It could be a number of different specifics at any moment that turned her off.

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Back at you Pretty woman :rofl:

how is this working? :crazy_face:

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I guess Mikl will be over tonight.