that’s probably the best
Based on what I saw when they were at M & M’s the other night, IMO, I think that she is a horny submissive who will take whatever someone will dole out to her, and ask for more.
they are very very hot xD
ideal for Henry then , think they are only there because he didnt get to fuck her last time
I don’t really like either one of this couple. They don’t match up to M&H.
Vous êtes pathétique !
Looks like Henry is being cock-blocked again.
then dont piss of the mob
Its a fucking troll, that is why they are here.
Mira it is already in the middle as if it were “the Berlin wall”
Blocking everything.
Mais avec tous vos pseudos je sature !!!
I don’t waste my time translating. Sorry, you’ll have to insult me in English.
@VHTV_CEO Can something be done about this guy as he admits he doesn’t watch the streams, adds nothing but negativity to the forums in multiple realms and persists in upsetting people.
You cannot even put him on ignore as he hides his profile from public view.
Désolé mais je suis monolangue , vous êtes bien multipseudo alors match nul balle au centre !
Go into you profile and add me to your muted members list. Problem solved.
De plus je ne vous ai pas insulté, ni en french ni en english !
I don’t translate. Please insult me in English.
Извините, но я одноязычный , вы хорошо мульти-SEUDO поэтому матч мяч в центре!
tant que vous lui répondez, il continuera. Ignorez le et il prêchera dans le désert