Mira & Henry (Part 1)

Oh I am confident, except the piss-cold as usual… :wink:

why is she crying?

end of the romance, may be

ogni tanto mi succede che vado a s__tti da non abbonato con una connessione di 940 mb in download e 100 mb in upload ma non n’è colpa nostra e vhtv che giustamente limita la velocità alle persone non abbonate…

She cries because she worries that she might not like the company that was in Henry.


but I’m not a subscriber either, why don’t I have such problems then?

Before I was not a subscriber either and I did not have such problem, too… Strange thing happens sometimes

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non lo so a m’è succede ogni tanto…

forse dipende dalla zona io abito in italia a genova…

Have you tried to contact technical support vhtv?

s__t happens :smiling_imp:

there are girls who cannot take a_____l at all

I am lost with you ;WTF girls and a_____l ? I don t follow you :crazy_face:

essendo non abbonato non rompo le s__tole a vhtv…comunque mi succede raramente che le cam vadano a s__tti…

the CEO has already repeatedly said what to write to technical support, they have testing methods.

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ok non lo sapevo grazie mille…

That Troy seems slightly creepy to me the way he slithered over and started to undo her top and she is way younger than him.

I was having dreadful lag and freezing here in NSW yesterday but today it seems fine.

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Watching them in the bath/shower, I can see why Troy is enamored by her. Wonder if Savannah has access to VH?