Mira & Henry (Part 1)

plus ca change , plus ca meme chose

Essayez d’autres mots, parce que la traduction n’est pas comprĂ©hensible, Merci :heart::+1:


Although it is not my first language , I understand it perfectly. Maybe if we all stuck to English (as the site instructions dictate) then there would be no misunderstandings.

Que dois je comprendre???
Que juste les anglophones doivent Ă©crire ici?
Ou que je dois écrire en français puis traduire avant de publier???
dans le second cas ca changera quoi? que ce soit moi qui traduise ou le systĂšme le rĂ©sultat final sera le mĂȘme!!!

Si le site nous conseille l’anglais pourquoi ont ils mis ce petit “globe terrestre” permettant une traduction immĂ©diate???


Touche, well said :laughing:




In English please.

Good old Henty messing the evening up again and upsetting Mira . And as usual the room in the hall gets lots of use , back to normal after all the complaints about the now visable secret room at the old appartment

Yes he makes good use of that hidden room. Such a shame for someone who try’s to get people to live the lifestyle on Voyeur House

Lord give them brains to think.
What nonsense these people write.
What hidden room. What a way of life.

@Jordi10927 @Lawrence137935
The only secret room exists only with you.
Normally people have only a secret room there.

Well you know what do don’t you, don’t watch them they would soon change their tune if everybody avoided the apartment. But too many even watch the Living room when there’s nobody even there FFS. :laughing:

I really liked that poem there. Really pretty good. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Faudrait juste connaĂźtre la proportion entres les endormis et les Ă©veillĂ©s? J’en ai moi mĂȘme subit les consĂ©quences
 au bout de 3minutes de visionnage ici, je me suis endormi, restant connectĂ© toute la nuit

Simple solution go watch another cam nobody is f_____g you to watch

He can’t he fell as___p :laughing:

Well when he wakes up :rofl::rofl::rofl:

They will be as___p then :laughing:

3 minutes mec, juste 3 minutes pour comprendre pourquoi tant de gens se connecte, c’est pas regarder, c’est juste passer voir
Je vous dit pas mon effroi quand je me suis rĂ©veillĂ© et que j’ai vu que j’avais passĂ© la nuit sur leur cam!!!:worried::rage::man_facepalming::sob: