Mira & Henry (Part 1)

On the contrary to Maren, the gouverning crew has deleted all of Fayes former archive action from former realm 56 and former realm 18. On the other hand they have let the archive action from realm 24 stand. Surprisingly. Sadly they have let something go. I am not too happy about the deleting, but it just is as it is. :hugs: :hugs:

Why they have let the realm 24 stand? That was videos recorded after her name change. Of course. :hugs: :hugs:

Ah yes that ray of sunshine we all welcomed into our lives :rofl:

Why can’t they restore all the old videos and just edit the name from Faye to Trisha if Faye seems to be so controversial?

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Reprenez moi si je me trompes
Quand je suis arrivĂ© ici j’ai vu un post disant que Faye avait tout juste 20 ans,
D’aprĂšs mes recherches elle Ă©tait prĂ©sente ici (comme invitĂ©e) il y a plus de 2 ans,
D’oĂč. selon moi. la disparition de ces vidĂ©os et le changement se son contrat, qui enfreignait la loi.
Juste une “intuition” de ma part, aucune certitude

Maybe her age had a lot to do with the older videos and the removal from the archives.
I don’t manage to follow all the girls i’m afraid so am unable to make any further comment.
I only really follow now less than half of the apartments as the rest just don’t interest me as most of them are much of a muchness or just not interesting enough.
Also I just don’t have the time or much interest to spend too many hours on here these days.

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Pour ma part je m’intĂ©resse Ă  3 ou 4 personnes plus particuliĂšrement, Leur consacrant +80% de mon temps de visionnage, les 20% restant Ă©tant pour faire un tour de quelques secondes sur les autres appartements
Trisha faisant partie de ces personnes, j’ai essayĂ© d’en apprendre plus sur son passĂ© ici
 avant que la plupart des archives disparaissent

Yes, I totally agree with you of course. But what you are mentioning as an easy possibility to do something about in the way you are describing. That is very, very, very difficult for the gouverning crew. Apparently. For some reason. :hugs: :hugs:

Where is Faye right now by the way? I have not seen her for at least a day and a half? Has she gone under the earth? Or is she doing something about her primary health care issue problems? Or what is going on? :slight_smile:

is there any other woman who enjoys oral sex and is so responsive to it than Mira?

Personne ne le sait!!! Je croise juste les doigts pour qu’elle prenne soin d’elle sĂ©rieusement enfin,:crossed_fingers:
La derniùre fois que je l’ai vu, elle ne souffrait trop plus mais pouvez à peine marcher,

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Ok. thank you so much for the update. I am not going to ask anymore about it. I feel I know enough. :slight_smile: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

yes, my wife

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I still don’t remember them having their own apartment. Are there any video archives?

Sure are if you have a look though suppose you can’t if not a subscriber.

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a couple of shots from 2020


Ce forum est Ă  l’image des participants, ObligĂ© de repasser les anciens clichĂ©s pour alimenter la discussion, :blush::joy::heart:


Shana and Henry noticeable by their absence

Au cas ou vous ne l’auriez pas remarquĂ©, Shana est en couple et Ă  quittĂ© ce site,
Shana vient juste rendre visite à des amis qui eux sont toujours branché sur ce site,
Shana n’a plus aucun compte Ă  rendre Ă  qui que ce soit, DĂ©sormais totalement libre de ses choix!!!

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