Marla & Hector

Yeah, very nice and relaxing.

We also found all the clue Marla need for her next book, so she is happy and safe on that side now ^^


Thatā€™s interesting to read that Marla is a writer and thank you for telling us about it. Has she been able to publish any of her work professionally?

Oh, sorry. I Assume you know it Probably becaouse iā€™m accostum to know everithing happen at home became public fast xD

Yeah, she published a comic some year ago (she also draw it) and last year published an historical fiction for kids based on our city lore.

now itā€™s working with her editor to the 2nd part on the same theme.

BTW if you like to know, iā€™m an RPG game designer, on the road to be published not just here, but also in EU and USA


Can you give us a name of your upcoming game?

not yet, cause.of the non disclosure agreement with my editor.

I can say itā€™s a pen and paper RPG and we are ready to announce it soon so I can promise I keep you posted.

Bonus track, a really cool me on vacation shooter by marla. the pic contains a hint of the game genre


Looking forward to it :wink:

As the T shirt says a fine vintage :upside_down_face:

nope, pen and paper are a bit vintage by nature.

but itā€™s in the drwascose, that is true

BTW just askingā€¦ no one notice what happening between Averadiel and Aerynn?

When was that? Can it still be saved? (48 hours)

nothing that worth saving yet, but a new couple is born just now

they are here to announce that (and you know thwy are here often soā€¦)

Hi Hector! Iā€™ve been watching you and marla off and on for years now! I just wanted to say (I know it sounds weird butā€¦) I enjoy watching your morning Jack off sessions. Very relaxing. Please keep it up if/when you can! :slight_smile:

Iā€™m not interested in this couple and donā€™t like watching them but what is up with there toilet? Its always looks weird like there is something in it

Itā€™s a bidet. But they use it mostly for potted plants, it seems.


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Ok you are the one that sent me something when I was talking about wanting to see Rachel using the toilet. You never replied back when I asked about what you sent me. I didnā€™t understand because all it seemed to be was there live feed I didnā€™t see or hear her in the bathroom

The link had a timestamp, someone had knocked the camera alittle bit sideways, and you cound see maybe half of her when she was sitting on the toilet. You were probably too late though. After 24 hours the moments disappear from the timeline, and I donā€™t remember how many hours it was left when I posted the link.


Or could it be that Iā€™m not a premium user and not allowed to watch the bathroom cam?

Youā€™re not a premium member? How could you expect to see anything then? :man_facepalming:t3:

Sorry @Crerigan I just found this funny. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Also what is your friends name for the site as there is an archive request for him?