I think Hector only watches porn and plays games
Guys, does anyone know how long the lights on this site will be off
Until they return from vacation.
Hallo Hector, haben wir etwas getan, dass du nicht mehr mit deiner Community kommunizierst? Ich habe schon lange nichts mehr von dir gelesen. Wie war euer Urlaub?
i wish, i was on the worst andry discussion of the year… lucky for me it seems close. My co author crushed under the stress of the last year and leash upon me for a little mistake by the producer
we was at an event for the game,the first one completely organized by my producer it was good nd helpful to find the lst problem on the product before the big lunch next year
Absolutely not mate, all the opposite.
it was just a very dense portion of the year, with a lot of things.
also i must do a net change to log on (we have augmented security after the last one who try to cath up data on me on the forum) so i can’t do it on the phone, i need to be on pc
I have decided I want Hector’s room fan (we see it behind his computer screen) or one very much like it.
@Crerigan Hector please can you tell me where you got it?
Got you covered ;
the one in the third pic is my dad
You’re a good man Hector, thank you so much for the information.
I had to convert the Italian version of the site to the UK one and when I got there, that particular model of fan didn’t appear (isn’t being sold by them in this part of the world, I assume). However, I am still grateful to you for your help.