
Fuck yes :fire:


hey guys! what’s up? don’t know what to do today, maybe you have some ideas or wishes?:heart:


Well, since you’re asking for our wishes, I’ll not hold back. I always like to watch oral sex. When you’ve sucked Magni’s cock I think it would only be fair to have him eat your pussy in return, or make it 69, instead of you having to masturbate afterwards.

Don’t get me wrong, I also like to watch you masturbate. In that case however, if you want to make it more exciting for us to watch, maybe use another technique. I’m sure these little vibrating sex toys are very pleasant to use, but if you’d just use your hand, or more phallic sex toys, with some penetrative motion, it would be more visually stimulating for us to masturbate along with you.

These are not complaints, just wishful thinking.

Hugs and kisses. :kissing_heart:


Please excuse if I sound like a buzzkill or some guy spoiling the fun :kissing_heart:
BUT: Why do you ask this?
Isn’t the purpose of this site that you do what you want and we will watch you? And not us telling you what to do? It is great that you interact here with us and of course you can ask our opinion on things.
But what you do should be only your thing and not influenced by viewers.
I am sure you are creative and will come up with some cool and hot things on your own.

I wish you a great day :hugs:


i just asked about some ideas to do at home) :smiling_face:
because i’m a bit bored and thought that maybe you can suggest some activities that you do or activities that you like but haven’t try yet :heart:


I don’t have any idea’s or wishes whatever Marianthi decides to do and what she is comfortable with is fine with me :hugs:


Bonjour belle Marianthi, gentil a toi de demander. Passe une belle journĂ©e et amuse toi comme bon te semble. Bisous :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Surprend nous :heart_eyes: Pourquoi tu n’irait pas magasiner sans Magni et revenir avec des jouets sensuelle ?


whatever you do is always amazing top watch. :heart_eyes: But am looking forward to when you invite friends over :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well as I said I won’t give direct ideas or wishes. Maybe you have any hobbies you want to do? Or go out and make some new friends in the new country you can invite later. :wink: :kissing_heart:


Moi aussi j’ai bien hate de voir des amis ( es )

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So a non-sex thing? Maybe find a recipe and and bake or cook something you’ve never made before. Something you always thought is too complicated or too much work. Just give it a try. Or a foreign dish. Set a little challenge for yourself.


It’s funny, I have my own wishes and desires in regards to what I want to see but whenever participants ask, I can never directly answer as I worry it would lessen the enjoyment that spontaneity can bring


Je viens de regarder Magni, pourquoi tu ne lui ferais pas une bonne coupe de cheveux :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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Do whatever makes you happy :heart:


nude looks so good on her!!!


je sais que ce n’est pas facile de se faire de nouveau amis (es) dans un autre pays et surtout que oĂč vous ĂȘtes maintenant je ne voit pas d’autre logement avec des camĂ©ras mais je suis sur qu’avait la joie de vivre et ton entre gens tu t’en feras d’autres. Bonne journĂ©e mon anges :hugs: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:


Hello pretty and sexy girl. Why not dress up sexy and make love afterwards. Play at doing the positions of the Kamasutra it can be very funny and exciting :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:


pense que Magni est au régime sur ce coté la :smiley: :smiley:

She doesn’t need to diet she’s perfect :fire: :fire:

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The translator sucks :rofl: :rofl: