Marcel & Flora

Well, i am sure that there are many, many others who feel the same way :slightly_smiling_face:

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I get a similar feeling as seeing people get picked last in sports whenever there is a poll like that. On one hand, of course I am curious how people would vote but on the other had I fear it sends a negative message to people who aren’t close to the top

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To be honest, personally, i believe that the poll about the best apartment, is, more or less, exactly the same thing

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In addition, we are in an environment where money is present, just like in life, and people, in order to improve in life, need to victimize themselves less and understand that criticism is not necessarily to belittle, and just as love and hate are sides on the same coin, a well-founded criticism can be a support for improvement, especially for the person who knows how to receive it and take it as an incentive

I agree that constructive criticism is not necessarily a bad thing. The triggering point for me is when i see tons of complains and manipulative comments about what participants are doing, not doing or one believe that they should do. It is not our right to do that, we only pay to have access to the various cams installed inside the apartments. We do not pay the participants directly. That’s for the webcamming sites. That’s all. They (participants) don’t owe us anything, zero. We can only like or not like the content that they are making and accordingly, we can chose to watch an apartment or not.

I cannot agree with everything you say, under penalty of not being sincere, we do have the right to delve into the content of what they do from my point of view and it’s not just because we pay, it’s because everything in life is under judgment and authoritative when you charging someone to tell you what to do is not the same as f_____g you to do it, and substantiated dissatisfaction exists in everything that is put up for consumption, which is why there is even a Consumer Protection Code. Of course, there are limits to everything, especially when they are unsubstantiated criticisms, but we do have the right to go into the merits so as not to turn the cameras or turn them off, when a man is violent with a woman or tries to r__e her, in the same way that we couldn’t stop Telma from being beaten by that scrotum, we couldn’t f___e any participant to do anything, but in the same way that we can ask the aggressor to stop, we can ask or hope for a participant to do one thing or another, however, to do or not is always on account of him.

Flora checking to see how her :peach: looks? Perfect of course :star_struck:

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Seems to be very pleased with the view :yum:




What a feast for the eyes :heart_eyes:


:peach: :fire:


Flora looking back at her perfect butt and Flora in the shower showing off her perfect flawless body strut Flora strut do ur thang :hot_face::hugs: flora best asset is everything about her :heart:


This affection between the two seems spontaneous and true to me and I like it, although it could develop into something sincerely sexual, although it seems to me, due to the sexual orientation of the two, if something happens, it tends to be simulated. But at least this synergy and acuity that one has with the other is good to see

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I know that waxing is somewhat controversial, but in the specific case of Belle, with this beautiful skin and natural hair, if she left it a little, like a strip of beautiful red/blond hair in the crotch, it would look aesthetically beautiful. at least in my opinion

Eleanor is back :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Although i am a massive fan of landing strips myself, in Belle’s case, i believe that shaved is more suitable. An olive tanned skin is better for such strips IMO. Off course, like you said, each with his own taste


See what you did there… :rofl: :rofl:

Honestly, no. I need some help :slightly_smiling_face:

I respect how you think, but I think exactly the opposite, that you should keep what is natural, if the skin is tanned, the contrast with the natural is no longer good, the artistic for me and it is what happens in works of art by people who pose for painting is to have the natural so that the body is expressed in everything that is natural. But as I said this is controversial. At least in a certain aspect, you think like me that not always everything shaved is the most beautiful and attractive

Just to remove any confusion i might have created by using the word tanned, i meant naturally olive skin and not sun tanned :hugs: