Marcel & Flora

I’m not going to play anyone’s game… I can only say that the only real thing he had was with Yan, after that it was all a game to create expectations… to get to VH and Dennis he used Connor, and then he played with several boys without reaching anything… apart from playing with the spectators… we go back to those times…

Just because a threesome happened one way, does not mean it has to happen the other way. If you expect it that way, again that is on you not Flora. I also find it funny that when your expectations are not met you say “Flora always talks and promises a lot and then does nothing!” but when she does do something it is “premeditated” and “directing the orchestra” and I believe you say that negatively.

I say this as someone who would love to see Flora with two guys, but it’s clear that you need to either reexamine your expectations or your preconceptions about Flora

It’s just my opinion from what I’ve seen for a long time! I personally am calm because I don’t have any different expectations with Flora, life goes on the same, her guests are the ones who do “the hard work” as always, so I have fun with them… I wouldn’t particularly notice their absence either… but Of course, she is in charge of bringing the guests so she cannot disappear, nor will her great defenders of course allow it…

You don’t sound like someone who is calm and has no expectations

Seeing the great night they’re having…so much fun on their cell phones…I can assure you that I don’t have any expectations greater than this…I’m just waiting for the return of the other two girls, the only expectation.

That’s more like it! Focus and comment on the things you enjoy. The forum is a much better place when we do that. Those girls do seem like good fun :slightly_smiling_face:

Ik had nooit gedacht dat ik een foto van Talon ging posten .
Maar je ziet de wonderen zijn de wereld nog niet uit :pray: :hugs:

should i answer that?

naahh… i won’t… eventhough i could :slight_smile:

Careful now or you might in the near future find yourself posting a nice picture of Ben. :sweat_smile: :hugs:

she had some fun with two of the best guests ever here…
or was that staged?

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Een foto dat zou wel kunnen .
Maar of hij mooi zal zijn , dat durf ik niet beloven :rage:

Ok, I hope you know I was joking with you.



here are some thoughts about Belle. For me what beautiful skin, the most beautiful skin on all of VHTV, naturally white and beautiful, free of tattoos, the real “D______r of the Ice Giant” from Robert E. Howard’s pulp fictions, I’m just afraid that she is following Flora so much and get too involved in these mechanized and simulated shows that Flora directs, but she is uninhibited and has a lot of potential, with a beautiful body and masterfully beautiful skin

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All that i am going to say about Belle is that, currently, she is my favourite girl on Vhtv :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, I understand you, however, the path of following Flora, maybe not so promising, I still prefer Irina for her seduction and thoughtful delivery of everything, but this at the moment, which is skinny cows, but kingdom and couple for me straight ahead are Lynda and Blade, and the performance with Loxi, the best of the summer so far.

I agree with the last part of your comment. 100%

When I say that I prefer Irina, it’s not because of her beauty, because I think Belle is prettier than Irina, I’m talking about context

I understood you perfectly from the first comment.

Only one thing i will add, although i know who you are referring to, other people might get confused, so let’s use the correct name and that will be Inna, not Irina :hugs:

Yes yes, my mistake, actually the correct one is Inna and not Irina.