Luchik or Pizduk?!
I thought it was a mouse too. Though I haven’t studied him very closely. It was just the size and shape that looked like a mouse to me. But I see on your picture that I was wrong. His tail is longer than his body. That means it’s definitely a rat.
Pizduk ahahaha
So that is how you can tell mice and rat apart?
Tail longer than body → rat
Tail shorter than body → mouse
Don’t you dare to disturb the rat / mice talk
Milana was already used in the movies, so he needs to prepare with foxy for future shootings
it would explain why he’s happy around people. Mice tend to just run and hide. I had one escape its cage and I spent days hunting for it. Rats are more sociable.
Hmm I rather had a negative view on them all the time. Seems Pizduk is going to change that
Nothing to do with rats / mice
When was the last time Robien was interested in Milana?
Milana diserves better then Robien.
She is happier with Pizduk
… which also has the longest tail
Robien quickly pulls up his pants as Milana returns!
Robien left with Milana, then he returned alone. Too bad for him the older dude is fucking Foxy!
Where is Pizduk?
Good question, can’t see him in his cage! Just assuming he is a he!
I think Pizduk takes himself back to his cage. Noticed him scampering back a couple of times earlier.
So a very smart guy. They should get him a girlfriend