I have noticed a unique feature in Russian apartments here on VHTV: Loggia space.
What’s the purpose of Loggia and why not just have open balcony instead?
I have never seen this in apartments anywhere else. Is it something unique to Russia apartments? Did old soviet apartments have this?
Only guessing but i would think it is so cold in winter, so the windows etc make it more usable all year round ?
so when you open the windows cold air gets in. What’s the point?
Errrr perhaps you don’t open the windows in winter?
Then what’s the point of having this Loggia when you can’t open the windows in winter?
Storage space, have a cigarette, keep the ■■■■ bottles cool , instead of a spare fridge ?
Most balconies are fitted with lift-in glazing in central and eastern Europe, and they can, if you want to, remove the windows and store them for the summer and put them back in the winter.
Why can’t you do this with an open balcony ?
Because it is too cold in winter ???
so what you are describing has no use in winter because it would be the same as an extra indoor space
Lol you said they use it to store stuff in a cold area
Why, as some people put a little heater in there… What do you suggest then removing the whole balcony because it is no use in the winter?
I would n’t have thought that was true.
In summer it is the same as another room so can be used .
In winter with windows ( or maybe lift-in glazing ) in place it will be warmer than the outside but not as warm as inside., so while it may not be comfortable for sitting in for a long time it is suitable to keep things cooler than inside a heated flat. Also if yoiu notice a lot of the tenants put on a light coat for a cigarette?
I shouldn’t bother my friend as the guy just loves to argue on tangents.
I can see only one benefit of this: to add an extra sound barrier/buffer from street noise But not sure if that was the purpose
Well there we are then a good reason to have them !!!
You can also keep things cooler in an open balcony. what’s the point?
This should be very rare there. I have never seen it in Western Europe and even ukpolska confirmed that is more common in Eastern and central Europe
Not really… If you want i can go to streets in my city (and it’s a small one) and take picture from a few of them …
If they are the majority, no…
But i just replied to yours “Is it something unique to russia apartments”
About the reasons why it’s common there, guess it’s visible for 99,999% of the forum members… Guess who are the 0,001% remaining