Loggia space in Russian appartments

It’s for the winter. They always use the loggia for smoke. With -10ºC outside i think is not nice to stay there, but if you have a close balcony, you not feel so much the cold.

Here in Canada most of apartments buildings have banned tenants from smoking (or if you are owner, the building council). So smoking here it’s only a luxury for people living in detached houses.

Loggias in Germany are quite common too.

Rain doesn’t just come straight down you know, things will get wet

Well there is basement used here to store things in a cool place

A basement in a block of flats :man_facepalming:

Yes apartments buildings do have basement and every tenant is assigned a space in basement for storage.

Like a lockup?

Yes you didn’t know that?

Just remembered Del Boy had one :rofl: :rofl:


Cool, so tell me where i can find mine :joy: :joy:

Ask your landlord

You live in your reality and think it’s expanded to everybody… Try to know better other realities before thinking it’s all equal to your place

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Are you saying that you have never seen apartment buildings with tenants assigned a space for storage in basement ?
It’s also used to store bikes, because it’s more convenient than taking a bike on an elevator and then over the apartment floor carpet.

No, i’m saying that tons of apartments buildings all over the world don’t have that

Because they have a very poor design like those Russian apartments. Why would have take your bike on the elevator and across your living room to store it in Loggia when it’s easier to store it basement?

A very poor design :joy: :joy: :joy:

So all apartments buildings have elevators… All apartments buildings have basements…

Damm, all these years and i have no idea where i’m living

We have both a basement and a balcony at our tenant’s apartment in Warsaw and almost all people keep their bikes on the balcony as it is far more safer as basements are always being broken into.

They give you a lock for your basement storage

What part of:

don’t you understand?