Might be.
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Nah going back to the shop with the useless dildo
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Any idea why your username is plastered across 'he back ov ‘er righ’ 'high?
Yup, I put it there. By the way dropping every “t” don’t make it cockney, it just makes it stupid.
I didn’t drop them.
Has she come to collect Cometa
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Don’t fink so, she didn’t bring the cat transporter bag wiv 'er.
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Who is the handsome smiler, also in that picture?
I am sure I should recognise him but my mind has gone blank, name wise.
That is Ervin, 'e’s been here before
Oh OK, I think I know the name (I have looked at various names on in the directory listings when I was trying to find someone else a while ago) and have probably seen his pictures. Thank you for letting me know though.