Lighting, Angles and related Suggestions

Slightly better with curtains closed, but still needs better vision of the portion of the couch where Romeo is lying, either more light or the suggested additional cam.

The bedroom and bathroom cameras in Casey & Fred apartment no longer follow the map’s cam numbers, @kaya is there any chance you can ask around to reorder the cams so they follow the cam map. Pretty please. :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

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Cam: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams

Problem: is a general problem on how cams are placed in a part of realm; in few words: “too much Kitchen and bad Couch view”
here is the general disposition

Cam 3 : should be placed lower and pointing a bit toward the ceiling so it can frame the lower part of couch and, at same time, not cut heads of people when they are close (as referral this is the present view)

Cam 2: Should be placed like this (if the new position can assure a good Couch vision)
new cam

Cam 5: Should be renamed Kitchen and be the second kitchen cam

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I really enjoy this site. Half the excitement of sex is the anticipation and the site really delivers on that ( as an example the scene at Amelie and Lucas two nights ago - nothing happened in the end but the sexual tension was palpable - loved it! ) the BUT is however that when something happens, you often can’t see it due to poor camera quality ( Milana & Robien - a good apartment which is not really watchable ), poor positioning ( a number of the apartments ) or obstructions ( the table at Marica’s last night - until kindly moved! ). Surely VHTV can do better here - some porn sites use something akin to Go pro tech which I recognise could be problematic here ( beyond possibly cost ) but more could be done to see that great anticipation through to fulfillment!

@Studio39 Looks like there is still a dark corner in couch. Maybe that you can solve this lighting problem if you put a small light next the rat’s cage: this lamp should work in tandem with the round lamp of cam 15. Btw i adore your realm :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cam: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams and cam 18
Problem: When central Lamp is off the lamp placed in the corner washes the pic of cam 17 and 18 and makes bad shadows

Solution: using a smaller lamp pointed on bed or placing the existing more close to the ceiling (to avoid that it faces cam 18) probably should help

Ty @Henry

Berg & Freya Move cam

most of the apartment have bad cam placement this is the only thing that lets VHTV down they did have good cams but in the last year or 2 they have not

Why i don’t see any problem with this.

I think from the drawing on the screen, the intention is for the right hand camera to be moved closer to the bed. It might make for a better (certainly closer) view.

Missed that.

Cam: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams and Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams

Problem: often tenants move the couch and they go out of cam, cam 14 is placed a bit far from the couch where action goes on. Here is what you see on Cam 14 and Cam 15

New position for cam 15

New position for cam 14

Partecipant/realm/cam: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams it’s listed as cam 3
The problem: almost same view as cam 2 while we can’t see the entrance of the living room and everthing that happens there. Sometimes when there a lot of quests we don’t see some of then sitting on the left and can only see their backs through cam 4
The suggestion: Place cam 3 on the wall to its right so we have an overview of the room from that side

Come on VT, this is your best apartment, H&M often attract the most viewers, they deserve the best cam positioning

You can’t have a camera showing the door of the TARDIS. :rofl:

Who me ?

hello everybody,

all these poeple in the appartments know that they are cameras everywhere, we pay to see them everyday and the sex is good, but there is a huge problem, why are they turning the ligths off!!??

When the lights are off, its not the same, and i dont understand why they are turning the lights off because we can still see them, but they dont see anything
when the lights are off, the sex is boring, event if it is a threesome or orgy or else

vhtv must do something about that, if its a guest i would understand, but sometimes, its poeple that are in appartments for months and they turn the lights off, why???

join me if you agree with me, all together we can do something

thanks for poeple who read me

Night vision doesn’t disturb me too much, Participants have anyhow some light inside the room, and i think that -if for them low lights are more good for sex- they should use them as they like. What i find really disturbing are colored lights that usually gives a grainy image on cam (that not happens with night vision) and i find disturbing some cams placement that doesn’t work when there is full sun light.