I noticed that a lot of cam are placed with angles that don’t assure a good vision, even if there is the support for complaining, though would be interesting to know other people opinion and suggestions.
All comments should follow this scheme
The problem
The suggestion
Good idea. I will post some soon.
I was talking about this very issue a few days ago with support. I raised the issue of ’ natural’ blind spots (camera angles not giving the best views), particularly with realm 39 in mind and the 2 kitchen cameras there that do not show the table in its entirety. I have often been aware of people sitting at the end of the table where the cameras do not show a complete view. Also, I raised the issue of ‘unnatural’ blind spots (objects placed in such a way thus obstructing the view), such as a curtain in realm 89 covering one of their bedroom cameras. i was told the matter would be looked into and changes made if possible.
Well the thing is managers from realms39 and also 89 are known for not giving a s__t about cam quality. There is a reason we name the manager of realm39 “Mr. S__tty Cams”
Cam: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
Problem: Bad sofa view
Solution: Turn to left and tilt cam down.
Cam: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
Problem: Cam pointing too high showing the ceiling
Solution: Tilt cam down
Realm: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
Problem: Half of the kitchen is a blindspot
Solution: Add one more cam
Cam: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
Problem: Cam is showing more ceiling than sofa
Solution: Raise cam up and tilt it down
Cam: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
Problem: Showing plant and the window sill and not all of the table
Solution: Turn cam left
- Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
- Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
- Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
Problem: S__tty cams, bad image quality, washed out colors, horrible audio quality
Solution: Replace cams with decent ones and throw s__tty cams in trash
Realm: Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
Problem: Half of the shower is a blindspot
Solution: Install one more cam in the shower
Cam: Elliot & Leya – Living room camera Voyeur House TV (cam15)
Problem: Lamp in front of cam: when lamp is on everything happens in sofa is dark
Solution: move the lamp somewhere else or turn it off to let television en-light the scene / buy a floor lamp to put in the corner (where bedroom door is) taking care it doesn’t face cam n.5
See how easy it is: Fuck with the light on and the problems are over.
Cam: Helena & Christopher, Demi & Ashton – Demi & Ashton Room (Guest Room)
Problem: Ashton has his computer set in a corner of the room so you can’t see if they are in
Solution: Place another cam facing that corner
Agreed! I have often wanted to see more of that area of the room when Ashton is sitting at his computer (which, from what I have sensed when I am watching, he frequently does) and found it quite frustrating that we can’t.
Give up trying to get them to change camera angles. I tried to offer to suggest angle changes to every camera, but they said the apartment dwellers set the angles and which cameras were free. They “have no control” over them, highly doubtful but there it is.
Well I can now report that the camera angle issue has been listened to, to some degree in realm 39 at least! I was watching the timeline just now and watched Markus move the kitchen table so that camera 2 in that location can see the whole thing instead of only part of it. Certainly an improvement with that one.
Oh so tehy read what we complain about !!!
I have noticed that some cameras have no sound. I think this is because they are mounted on the TV and that would override any other sound.
Just an observation
Kindly asking you to file Support request
Our tech team will check your complaint and will fix if the problem is identified. Please don’t forget to include cameras names/links in your request. Hope we will be able to help you with that.
Could we please have a camera added to the loggia of realm 8 (Amelie & Lucas) I am not sure if this is in the right section of the forum and I apologise if not. Please feel free to move it accordingly.
I asked about that when the place opened and I was told they won’t use the loggia and therefore no cam needed…
And yet sure enough, just now (from the angle of the kitchen camera that faces it), I saw them use it!
In that case just report to support with a screenshot of them on loggia and they hopefully will put a cam there.
Thank you for the advice. I have done as you suggested and so now will have to see what the response might be.
Cam: Benjamin - Hall (cam 17)
Problem: Half of the hall is a blindspot
Solution: Turn cam left
Cam: Benjamin - Living room (cam5)
Problem: Cam too high showing
Solution: Turn the camera a little to the right and a little down