Let's talk about VIDEO EDITING and videos in general

I think we could use a topic for video enthusiasts. Or this might just be yet another private playground for me, where I can go and talk to my imaginary friends.

Posting videos in the forum is fun. It’s even more fun when you do some editing to improve them. There’s some little tweaks that don’t take much time but do make a significant difference. Here could be a place where we talk about the editing of these videos.

  • How can you improve your video?
  • What software, what tools do you use?
  • How do you use these tools?
  • What do you think makes a good video?
  • You want to talk about a video that you uploaded? I sure like to talk about mine.
  • You learned a new trick?
  • You need help?
  • You want to do something with a video and don’t know how? There are no stupid questions. Well, maybe there are, but there’s only one way to find out.
  • You have some constructive criticism? Don’t just say somebody’s video sucks.

If we want to talk about specific videos, it might be useful to have these videos here, in the topic. Remember, you don’t need to upload a second copy of a video that’s already been uploaded. Just go to the original post, right-click on the video and you can copy the address of the video file to your clipboard. Then paste that address into your new post and the video will be displayed here, too.

Let’s see if this catches on. Or if it’s just me, talking into the void again.

To get things started, I’m using Shotcut to edit my videos. Probably not the best software you can get, but it has two big advantages. It’s free and it’s multi platform, so there’s versions for Windows, Mac or Linux. I’m using the Mac one. So far I was able to do everything I wanted to do with it, and it has loads more of potential that I have not yet tapped into. Oh, one more advantage, there’s tons of tutorial videos on YouTube.

I use Wondershare Filmora for editing


I’m afraid all I can say is that I know nothing about video editing but really enjoy the results of your work and can only thank you for doing it!


Thank you.

All I can say there’s neither witchcraft nor rocket science involved, it’s learning by doing and basically my whole editing experience is what I’ve been doing here. With some patience and enthusiasm everybody can do it. So can you.

Maybe I’ll talk about some basic techniques and things I like to do with my videos later, when I have some time at hand. Maybe I won’t, if nobody cares. But I started this topic because I really like to talk about this stuff.

However, when you think of it for a moment, if you would like to have some video editing sk__ls, there’s really no better place to get started than here.

If you want to try your hand in editing, first you need footage to work with. Here on VHTV you have access to lots and lots of footage. You have footage from multiple camera angles. And it ain’t boring footage either, like those tapes of your aunt’s golden wedding anniversary, no, it’s sexy footage of people fucking.

And you have an audience for you videos here in the forum, all like minded perverts, who might give you some feedback or show some appreciation. Maybe not always as much as you’ve secretly been hoping for.

Also there’s no need to be shy if your first attempts aren’t as good as you’d like them to be, nobody really complains about some shoddy editing when there’s people fucking on screen.

So there’s really no reason not to get started today, just get yourself some free software, find a sex scene to your liking, and see what you can make of it.

Just took a quick look at Filmora, they talk a lot about AI in their advertising.

Does it includes AI video upscaling? That would be interesting, if I could get a little more image quality out of the zoomed in shots that I like to do. Otherwise I’m somewhat sceptical about all that AI stuff, I think I prefer a more hands-on approach and be in direct control, not have some algorithm do creative decisions for me. I guess I’m old school in that.

AI upscaling I do not know but it can create whole movies for you just from a description. This is quite cool. You can also use AI to crop things from a video for example. I like it and the license is reasonably priced too.

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And what I like with Filmora is that it is less cluttered with stuff and always has good explanations what the functions do so for a beginner or semi professional it is great. I do not know if a full professional will be satisfied with it. I like it and I learn something new everytime I use it :wink:

Well it sounds easy :grinning: But thanks for the encouragement. I suspect it’s not just technical either - it is an artistic eye for the final product, porn or not. And you do that very well!

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Can this be used with android or chromebook, if not what is the best beginners video editor for these two platforms. TIA

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It always depends on what you want to do.
If, for example, you only want to cut the beginning and end of a video, cut out a section of the image, or (like my tinkering with the cooking videos) fast motion or slow motion, or replace the soundtrack with another or with music… then a free program like AviDemux is sufficient.

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Sorry, I don’t know about programs for those platforms. Googling for “shotcut chromebook” you get some results and youtube videos, seems like you could run the Linux version of shotcut on a Chromebook, but maybe it could be a little challenge to get that to work. You might want to look into that.

There also seems to be an Android app called ShotCut, note the capital C, which seems to be a completely different program that has nothing to do with shotcut.org.

You absolutely have to put that AI through some tests. You have to feed it some footage from VHTV and see what it can do with commands like “remove the girl’s tattoos”, “show this girl with bigger breasts” or “show these two girls kissing each other passionately”. Then you also have to feed it some nude videos of yourself and find out if it can generate a video of Ariela sucking your cock. Just asking for a friend… :smirk:


I’ll give shotcut a try, thanks for the heads up :pray:

Pretending that I’m some great expert who has all the answers, maybe I should just start sharing some tips and insights from the bottomless treasure chest of my wisdom?

Here’s a preliminary list of topics that I’d have a few words to say about, some more might pop up as we go along:

  • thumbnails
  • that magical moment
  • long term goals
  • zooming in
  • capturing footage
  • tracking shots
  • synchronized multi camera edits
  • fixing lag

But we have to start at some point, so:

THUMBNAILS :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

The exclamation marks are there to show you that this is important. This is a little thing that you can add to your video that, in my humble opinion, makes a huge difference. Here’s two of my old videos. You don’t need to watch them. You may, if you want to. The important question right now is, which one looks more interesting:

Don’t answer that, it was a rhetorical question. The first one looks more interesting because it has a carefully selected thumbnail, and with the second one I had simply forgotten this crucial little step in video editing. That’s why it looks like ass. Which annoys me to this day because that second video actually marks an important milestone in my editing adventures. It was my first synchronized multi camera edit, the video for which I switched to Shotcut, which I’m still using today. And I fully intend to talk about these multi camera edits at length, further down the road.

Thumbnail may not be the technically correct term, we’ll use it for the image that represents a video in the forum, before you click on it. And the way this forum works, that image will be the first frame of your video. Or one of the first few frames, I never bothered to determine that exactly.

Your typical sexy video begins before the action on screen gets really juicy, so unless you do anything about it, the first few frames of your video, and thereby your thumbnail, will be comparatively boring

So how do you give your video a nice thumbnail? I usually just put a really nice split second snippet of video footage at the very beginning of my video, and I’ll adjust the framing of that, meaning I’ll zoom in on a part of the full screen of the original VHTV video, to give it a pleasing image composition. I do that with almost all my footage, but that’ll be another lesson.

If I want to be very precise with that thumbnail, if I want it to be one specific frame of the source material, I’ll first modify that small video snippet to be played at slow, slow motion, which will make that snippet so much longer. But from that I can now select a smaller snippet again, mabe a 5th of a second, and all of that snippet will be showing that very same frame of the original video that I want as my thumbnail. I’ll also remove the sound from that snippet, so my video won’t start with a strange noise blip that doesn’t belong there.

I guess you could also design a beautiful poster in Photoshop, load that into your editing software and use it for a thumbnail. I’ve never done that, but it should be no problem.

How you select your thumbnail is up to you. You want clickbait, so it better be sexy. And give the audience an idea what the video is going to be like, what’s going to be the highlight. You might want a frame with very little motion blur. Do you want her eyes open or closed? How deep inside her should his cock be? What’s her best orgasm face? And so on, and so on. Oh, and mind that there’ll be a play button in the middle of your thumbnail, would be a shame if that ended up in the middle of her face. Ask me how I know. You might want to work around that button, or you might use it playfully. I one placed it right on a girl’s butthole.

Anyway, I think you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of a good thumbnail. It makes your video pop out from the rest of the forum. It makes the difference of whether or not people click on it. It can make or break a video. It can be done very quickly and make a big difference. You can also waste lots of time on it when you’re obsessing about finding that one very best frame of footage. So remember that the second best thumbnail is still much better than no thumbnail at all.

Class is over, now do your homework.

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Well to record the videos, I use oCam (free), its easy to use, and you can get a lot of footage in small file size’s.

I do need a program to reduce a file size acceptable… I made a 120+mb file the other day that I couldnt upload because of size, so i wanted to halve it into 2 instead, but all the programs I used made 2 videos of 400+mb size out of a 120mb…

When you use an editing software such as shotcut, you determine the video quality settings when you export (save) your finished video, you can adjust these settings according to the length of your video, so that your finished file will be below that 97,7 (?) Mb filesize limit. I managed to do 20 minute videos with acceptable video quality.

This way it doesn’t matter how big your captured files are. It may probably be even better when they are of bigger size and better quality, and all the quality loss happens only at the end, when you compile your final file. While doing so your editing software will do it’s best to get the best image qualitiy it can give you with the bitrates you allow it to use. And your processors are doing some real work for a change.

I was compiling a longer video when I thought my shiny new iMac was breaking down, it started to make some very disturbing noises. Turns out it was the cooling fan engaging and shifting into higher gear, for the first time ever those processors were producing some serious heat.

My screen capturing tool, screenshot.app, which comes with the Mac operating system, produces ridiculously big files, and I don’t care because my computer can handle them. Admittedly, at some point I upgraded my machine’s ram significantly, specifically for video editing,

for my part I use filmorama honestly I am not an expert in editing but I want to be inspired and do my best :slight_smile:

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You thought I was kidding about that private playground for me to talk to my imaginary friends? You have yet to grasp the full extent of my insanity. Let’s continue, shall we?


This isn’t me preaching to you guys, or taking a piss on other people’s videos, it’s more something I want to remind myself of. What kind of videos do we want to post?

I have made the experience that, when you get into posting and editing videos, you feel that certain creative satisfaction. And you want to do some more. And more. And you start searching the realms for material. Ah, there’s some good fucking going on. I should make a video of that.

But the more videos you post, the more interchangeable these seem to become. It’s easy to drift into a habit of just covering the generic sex acts that can be seen on VHTV day in, day out.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with reporting the daily news. Journalism is a very honorable calling, and I fully respect that. And during my time without subscription, when I was checking up on my darlings, these regular reports were like manna sent from heaven.

But I do want to point out that shift in motivation. In the beginning maybe you witnessed something you considered remarkable. And you wanted to share that magical moment with others. Maybe now you just want to share stuff, and any decent enough moment will do.

Looking back at my old videos I find that special spark more present in some earlier videos, and maybe that got watered down as I was activle looking for material to practice some editing on an challenge myself technically.

This is one of my first videos, one I’m still quite fond of. I was lazily watching her, Lili, sitting on her bed, just being a beautiful redhead, when she raised her gaze, looking out the window, and that look her face totally captivated me. Melancholy, sadness, desperation? It was as if she was comtemplating all the mistakes in her lfe that led her here, sitting in her lonely apartment, naked and exposed for all of us perverts to watch. And, framed correctly, the image composition was just beautiful, with the reflection of the window and that tattered paper back novel on the bed. I decided to drive the point of sadness home with a not so subtle bit of music.

If you look through my old stuff, which you should totally do, you will find that she became something of a guinea pig to me, I did a lot of experiments on her. This was my first use of music, though very crudely done. Later I did my first tracking shots of her, dancing around in her living room. The first of many tracking shots. On her I also did my first attempt to correct the colors of a video. Which failed spectacularly, in that video she looks almost as pink as the dildo she’s playing with.

Anyway, to me this was a magical moment that motivated the creation of a video. And the satisfaction with the result was some real motivation to get deeper into the whole video stuff.

But it doesn’t always need to be as artsy fartsy like that, sometimes you’re just lucky to stumble across some extraordinary sex moment. This stuff isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but when I saw it I thought it was just hilarious and just had to preserve it for posterity. And with that, after much philosophy and contemplation, we end today’s lesson on a lighter note.


As I said above, not just tech but the art is so important - most important in fact! Great video of Lili!

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